Chapter Twenty-Two: Special Donuts

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After several awe-inspiring performances, Alaska decided that it wouldn't be a proper sing-a-long if we all didn't sing a couple of tunes all together.

Which, really, explained why all twenty some hippies and I were all awkwardly shoulder-to-shoulder (ew germs) on the stage singing about the wonders if the environment and Mother Nature. Currently I was right next two my two favorite people-- a gaseous boy obviously doing the world a favor by releasing more CO2 and to my left, it was none other than Officer Carter himself.

I must say, however, that with Carter's shrill "manly" voice, it really was a surprise how Carter didn't have a girlfriend, or rather, a boyfriend.

With a deep sigh as the boy released another toxic smell, I controlled the urge to throw up all over the stage.

I was really starting to regret my obviously ill-advised decision to come in the first place. At least at home, I wouldn't be making a bloody fool out of myself in front of half the town. With a exasperated frown as the hippies decided to also dance along, I tried my best to follow along and stay relatively undetected by the crowd. The last thing I wanted was everyone's meddling eyes on me, considering that this fabulous event was alsoa currently being broadcoasted on televisions throughout the township via the local channel.

I could only pray that no one had decided that instead of watching whatever Kardashian reality show, they'd tuned in and seen my ridiculous performace.

To be honest, at this point, I wasn't exactly sure what dance move the hippies were trying to do. If they were going for a grizzly bear clawing, then wow, really, their dancing was on point.

Cocking my head to the side, I stifled a laugh as Carter was pathetically trying to move, his layers of fat inhibiting his movement. If anything, he looked like a giant tennis ball being bounced back and forth.

But hey, he was trying, I'll give him that. Perhaps it was time to hand him a yellow golden star with the words "You Tried."

When the song finally ended, Alaska tearfully concluded the sing-a-long event, bading everyone goodnight and hoping that they'd join them for their next hippy get-together event. Apparently, tomorrow was the 'highly awaited' environmentalist convention, where tree huggers everywhere were going to embrace each other's patheticness and sing praises about a jolly old tree.

Because that's exactly what this town needs.

And despite my every last plead to Carter about not going, he had been adamant that every member of their dumb tree club was to go. Really, it was insulting just for Carter to imply that I was part of them.

No, thank you very much, but Chase Forrest was not and will never be known as a hippy.

The only "good" thing to come out of the whole ordeal was that play practice would end an hour early so that we could prepare and make this year's dumb convention, the best yet. With sing-a-longs and guest speakers from Yosemite (really, after the whole accidental burning of trees, I'd thought that I'd never see or hear anything from Yosemite, such a pity), obviously, this year's convention was sure to be wonderful!

Oh god, really, I'm tearing up here.

Rolling my eyes as I walked in the living room, I quickly realized that something was wrong. Especially when I heard something that sounded suspiciously like my "performance".

Following the sound, I soon found Sammy, lying comfortably on the sofa, playing a recording of me, awkwardly singing onstage. "SAMMY!" I panicked, diving for the remote amd turning the television off.

He just gave me a lazy smile and wiggled his eyebrows. "Wow, Chase! I never knew you were such an amazing singer! I just had to record it and you know, make a few copies of it!"

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