01 - where are we?

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A boy gasps awake as his head flies up from a desk which now has a small pool of drool sitting where his face had been. The boy wipes a small dribble of spit from the corner of his mouth as he takes in his surroundings.

There are six rows of desks with six empty chairs in each; that is, except his own. A large desk sits in front of a blackboard which has the words "detention" scribbled crudely in white chalk. The only light which illuminates the room comes from a single flickering lightbulb over his head and the moonlight which seeps through the window on the wall to his far right. He doesn't quite recall falling asleep in a classroom, but it alarms him further that no teacher or administrator had woken him and asked him to leave. Even the janitors didn't bother to do anything.

He wracks his brain for some type of logical solution. Maybe everyone left and forgot him, and didn't bother to come check out the room. But why could he not recall even falling asleep in class.

He remembers his name is Donghyuck and he remembers his friends and family, so clearly he hadn't suffered from any severe memory loss, but why couldn't he remember how he managed to get to his school?

The boy's train of thought is abruptly interrupted by the sound of pattering feet dashing past the open doorway. He feels his heart pump harder in his chest, but he attempts to breathe slow, deep breaths to remain calm. Though his brain tells him not to follow the sound, Donghyuck's body begins to move on it's own accord. He stands from his desk and begins slowly shuffling towards the doorway. He exits the room and wanders wearily down the dimly lit corridor.

Donghyuck passes classroom door after classroom door, finding none of them were open like the room he'd just exited from. A loud bang startles Donghyuck, causing him to spin on his heel and find that the classroom he had woken up in was now closed off just like the others.

"Fuck this," he mutters under his breath.

He turns and jets off in the opposite direction he came from. Donghyuck's blood pumps hard in his ears, forcing him to hear only the pulsations of his heartbeat rather than the second set of footsteps clomping towards him. Just as he turns the corner, Donghyuck slams into a figure and is knocked backwards. His back slams down hard onto the floor, causing him to groan in pain at the harsh contact. He hears a yelp come from a few feet away, and nearly jumps out of his skin. He sits up and finds the figure was lying on the ground.

"Fuck," the figure hisses, causing Donghyuck's heart to leap.

"Mark?" he gasps as relief washes over his whole body.

"Donghyuck?" the latter murmurs, "You made me hit my head on the fucking wall, you jackass. What the hell are you doing here?"

"I-I dunno. Where are we?" he asks.

"I was about to ask you the same question," Mark admits with a shake of his head, "Something isn't right about this place."

"You're telling me," Donghyuck remarks.

"It looks like our school, but...something feels very wrong here," he states with deep concern lacing his voice.

"Mark, how'd we get here? Why are we here?" he questions.

"You think I'd be this confused if I knew what was going on?" Mark groans, "We need to get the hell out of here."

"Yeah," Donghyuck hums in agreement.

Both boys lean against walls to help give them support to stand. Once they're on their feet, they stand face to face for a moment. Donghyuck gazes at Mark's slightly illuminated face and watches as a small glint shines in one of his eyes from the reflection of the moonlight. Mark turns his head to survey the area while Donghyuck looks off down the hall with a soft smile tugging at the corners of his mouth.

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