04 - he needs to know

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2 weeks earlier

"And I saw him walking with her as he was coming to join the group for lunch, today...It hurt so much, Jaehyun," Donghyuck explains as he has his knees tucked into his chest and his arms wrapped tightly around his legs. He sits on his older friend's bed as the other leans back in a black gaming chair just a few feet away.

"So what'd you do?"

"I got up from the table and ran into the restroom. I cried the entire lunch period," Donghyuck admits as his eyes prick with tears while remembering the way Mark was laughing with Yoojung. He looked happy. Donghyuck's heart begins to feel as if someone had decided to repeatedly stab it with a kitchen knife over and over until it was nothing but a bloody pulp.


The boy looks up at Jaehyun, finding his expression is saturated with pity and vague frustration. He could tell he was about to give him brotherly advice in the form of a lecture, and he braces himself for it.

"If you keep running away from this, not only will you unintentionally out yourself, but you're just going to keep getting hurt," he sighs as he crosses his arms over his chest.

"I can't just tell him I like him. It's not the same as what happened with you and Taeyong. I don't wanna ruin an eight year friendship over some stupid feelings that will probably go away, soon," Donghyuck denies hastily.

Jaehyun shakes his head slowly and briefly purses his lips as he exhales deeply through his nose.

"I would normally agree, but...Donghyuck...I've seen the way you look at him. I've seen the way you listen closely when he talks. I've seen how your eyes light up when you talk about him. I've noticed it for a long time now," Jaehyun sighs as he runs a hand through his hair, "I've known you your entire life, and never have I ever seen your eyes glimmer quite like they do when you watch Mark laugh. You may have just recently realized you like him, but I've known for a long time. This won't just go away that easy."

The younger's eyes glisten and heat up with tears as Donghyuck's nose begins to tingle.

"I can't do it, Jaehyun."

"What's stopping you?"

Donghyuck chews anxiously on the skin of his bottom lip as a million reasons fill his head.

"I'm just...I'm just scared, Jaehyun."

Jaehyun exhales deeply through his nose as his frown seemingly deepens even further. He takes a minute to respond, and Donghyuck knows it's because he's choosing his next words carefully.

"I know...We all are, sometimes," Jaehyun says in a kind, comforting tone; he pauses for a brief moment before continuing on, "Just...always know that I'm here for you. No matter what happens. I'll always be here for you."


"Fuck, I think we're lost," Mark mutters stressfully as they turn down yet another hallway which looks the same as the one before.

"W-we can't be lost. This is just like our school, right?" Donghyuck whimpers.

Mark shakes his head and exhales deeply.

"This isn't our school, Donghyuck," Mark mumbles.

Donghyuck shudders as he tries to not think about the implications of what Mark said.

"We...we have to keep searching," he insists nervously.

Mark nods and continues pacing down the hall.

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