05 - safe than sorry

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"Look! There it is!" Donghyuck lets out a happy squeak as he points to the glass doors at the end of the long hallway lined with lockers on either side.

"Let's get the fuck outta here!" Mark chimes as he breaks into a sprint. Without a moment's hesitation, Donghyuck does the same. He cheerfully tells himself they're home free, that freedom from this hell hole is just within their grasp.

But that, unfortunately, isn't the case.

As they barrel down the hall, Donghyuck notices a single locker open up. He slows down at the sight of it, wondering why it had done that. He intends to walk past it as Jaehyun instructed, but before he can, every single locker door in sight flies open, startling both Donghyuck and Mark. Suddenly, all of them start repeatedly slamming shut and opening back up while the lights overhead flicker on and off. Mark and Donghyuck make eye contact, both sets of eyes wide with fear.

"Keep going!" Donghyuck cries out earning a frantic nod from Mark, and once again, they take off towards the exit.

The lockers continue to slam loudly, but Donghyuck pushes onward as he does his best not to let it terrify him. It isn't until halfway to the end of the hallway that he finds himself abruptly stopped in his path.

The lights flicker off, leaving Donghyuck to only see via the moonlight provided through the small windows of the main entrance doors just beyond the glass ones at the end of the hall. With the lack of light for him to see his surroundings and the deafening clashing of the locker doors, Donghyuck quickly becomes disoriented. His heart pounds violently in his chest as he feels his lungs refuse to take in a proper breath.

Suddenly, the lockers stop.

The air becomes completely still as Donghyuck takes shallow, quick breaths. He slowly lowers his hands, finding that his ears are ringing as they attempt to adjust to the silence. Unfortunately, before Donghyuck can even remotely calm himself down, there is a loud clatter that comes from directly in front of him. He inhales sharply and jumps in fear. He hears choking and short gasps for air. Though still indescribably fearful of opening his eyes, Donghyuck forces himself to look to check that the sounds aren't coming from Mark. Upon doing so, the sounds slowly cease, and Donghyuck feels his stomach sink.

"M-Mark?" he whimpers.

The moment his name leaves his mouth, the light fixture just above Donghyuck flickers on. With the new source of light comes a sight which sends Donghyuck spiraling into a state of panic.

The light reveals Donghyuck hanging from the ceiling. He dons a rope around his neck, stringing his body up like some sort of twisted, fucked up display. Donghyuck lets out a shrill scream and stares in horror at his own lifeless body.

One final locker door slams shut, causing Donghyuck to scramble away from it. Written in blood across the lockers reads the phrase: 'better off dead'. Donghyuck's hands fly up to his mouth as he goes to scream, but the feeling of something warm and slightly sticky on them causes him to divert his attention. He looks down at his palms and finds that they're covered in blood. It drips from his hands and hits the floor, creating a small pool of blood. He screams at the top of his lungs and begins trembling violently, unable to cope with what he was witnessing.

"Donghyuck!" Mark yells in a panic. Although he can hear Mark, he cannot see him. He continues to scream until he feels a pair of hands grab onto his biceps and yank him just past his hanging corpse.

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