18 / Have We Met

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Sorry for the late update. It was important to get this chapter right. Enjoy -

I stood in the shade under the willow tree, unable to move.

The boy has his back to me. He's tall, good looking, handsome even, athletically built. Everything I'm not. Of course she's fallen for him. I was a fool to think...

They break apart from their long kiss and Calypso glances over his shoulder towards the willow tree and something catches her eye.

She gasped and grabbed the boys arm, staring straight at me.

The blonde haired boy spins around and his eyes meet mine.

The game was up. I stepped out if the shadows of the tree, chin held high.

The pair of them, Calypso and this boy, stared at me in silence. Finally Calypso spoke.

"Who in Hades are you?"

I felt my heart slowly crumble into tiny little pieces at her words.

"How did you get here?" the boy said defensively, pushing Calypso behind him slightly.

He eyed me suspiciously, but looked uncertain and I noticed that his voice shook a little as he repeated his question -

"How did you find this island?"

"I, erm, I...." I stuttered, for once totally lost for words.

I locked eyes with Calypso.

"Don't you know me?" I asked quietly.

She stared at me with a strange expression on her face.

She went to take a step towards me but the boy held out a hand to stop her.

He gave her a questioning look but she took his hand and gave his fingered a soft squeeze before letting go and whispering,

"It's ok Will."

She walked past him and came a few steps closer to me then stopped.

"Have we met?" She asked after a few minutes awkward silence, "It might have been a long time ago. I just can't shake the feeling, that I know you."

I could feel tears prickling in the corners of my eyes, threatening to fall.

"Yes. I know you. I'm your, I'm your..."

I drifted off and glanced at the boy standing behind her. He meets my eyes.

"You told me you loved me." I tell her quietly.

Calypso stands frozen, staring at me. The boy glances from me to Calypso, he looks confused.

"What?" Calypso spluttered.

"You know me Calypso, please, just listen." I begged.

"Leave her alone." the boys shouted, running to her side and glaring at me.

"Please, Calypso, you have to believe me!" I cried, "Nemesis has taken you memories, but you still remember me. You remember that you loved me, you still do love me."

She shook her head, staring at me.

"You said yourself that you remember me." I tell her.

"I don't know who you are." the boy defends, "But leave us alone."

My world is slowly crumbling into pieces.

The girl I love doesn't know me.

She's in love with someone else.

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