22 / Coming Home

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Back to Leo's POV for this chapter and the epilogue.

It didn't take long to build a raft and sail it home to Long Island.

Calypso was sad and quiet after her initial joy that I wasn't dead.

When I asked her about it, she explained how William was gone. I was sad, he was a nice kid, but at least there wouldn't be any awkwardness between us.

"He was a nice guy." I told her, as we sat side by side on the raft, shoulders touching, holding hands, "He sacrificed himself to make you happy. It's what he wanted. And he's not dead, right. He's with Hestia, and didn't she say he would return when he was ready. It's not like he's gone forever."

"I guess." she said, trailing a hand in the water.

"Does this make you feel any better?" I asked, leaning over and kissing her cheek.

"It would make me feel even better if you did it again." she teased.

I leant over and kissed her playfully on the tip of her nose.

She giggled as I kissed her cheek again and her forehead and her smiling lips.

"Don't I get a kiss Cally?" I asked and suddenly she went sad again.

"Please don't call me that." she said.

It was his special name for her. I get it.

Most people would feel jealous at this point but I know Calypso and I get that she just feels bad because she accident lead him along and know he's gone and she blames herself.

"Hey, look!" I pointed ahead if us at a beach that had just come into sight.

Calypso smiled and leant against me.

"Home." she said happily.

As the raft got closer to Long Island Sound, I switched of the engine I'd made to power it and jumped of the raft into the water to pull it in to the beach.

When I'd waded in far enough that the water was only up to my waist.

I held out my arms and helped Calypso jump down of the raft into the water.

The raft drifted out to sea and we half ran, half splashed our way to the beach, and the, holding hands tightly, made our way to the cabins.


"Hey! It's Leo!" someone yelled as we got closer to the cabins.

"And Calypso!"

The Stoll twins ran to meet us: to hug Calypso and high-five me.

We walked through camp, more and more people appeared. Clapping and cheering and forming a great big group around us.

We somehow ended up at the dining pavilion, when I heard a voice I recognised.

"Where is he?! I'm gonna kill him!"

Piper pushed her way through the crowds.

"You!" she screamed at me, "You reckless, selfish, idiot! Do you have any idea how worried we've been?!"

But I could see tears of relief in her eyes and she gave up and wrapped her arms around me giving me a tight hug.

"Bless you Leo! I was so scared!" she said, half laughing half crying.

Annabeth arrived, wrapped in bandages and very pale but very much alive.

"Annabeth!" I cried, hugging her, "I am so so sorry. Please will you ever forgive me?"

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