19 / Between Seconds

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Everything was fuzzy...

There was, someone, kneeling, over me...

Someone who's wet hair was dripping into my face.


Someone's shaking me.

"Leo! Wake up!"

The world span around me. I could feel my consciousness slowly slipping away.


I tried to focus on the person leaning over me.

His face come's into focus.

It's that boy. What did he say his name waa...

"William..." I groaned.

He leant in closer so he could hear me.

"Leo, come on man, stay with it."

"Will. Take Calypso. Get her away..."

My voice drifted off and I had to focus hard to keep speaking.

"Get her off the island. She deserves to be free. Look after her Will. She'll grow to love you. She'll forget m-e-"

William's face was slipping out if focus again.

"Leo? Look, just, stay awake. She needs you! She loves you. Don't leave her alone! Listen to me Leo! Leo?!" he was shouting but his voice was getting fainter.

He loves her, but is willing to sacrifice his chance with her just so she'll be happy. He must love her a hell of a lot.

I guess, if she has to he with anyone else, I'm glad it's someone who really loves her...

I blacked out.


"Hello Leo Valdez." said a bored voice.

My eyes snapped open.

Where am I?

Is this the underworld?

I'm lying on the floor of a room. Everything's white. The walls, floor and ceiling.

I push myself to my feet, surprised to find that my chest isn't sore any more.

I'm white too, or at least, my clothes are. White t-shirt and white jeans.

"Where am I?" I ask the room.

"In a loop." said the voice again.

"Um, what?"

"A loop on time. This place doesn't really exist, I just created if for us to talk in. A space between seconds."

"OK Mrs-Scary-Voodoo-Voice-Thing. Why do you want to talk to me?"

"I feel I owe you, an... explanation." said the voice.

"Too right you do." I growled, glancing round the room, trying to work out where the voice is coming from. "Then can I please go back to my girlfriend."

"That depends." said the voice.

"Depends on what?" I snapped.

"Depends on if you can survive."


I stared around the room.

"What do you mean?" I asked slowly.

"You're dying Leo Valdez. You've been dying for a while now. You noticed the signs. You just didn't realise what they meant."

I paced across the room and pressed a hand against a wall. Definitely solid. I need to figure a way out of here.

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