20 / Revenge

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I had not had a great few weeks.

I won't even bother listing all the things that seem to be going wrong in Leo World, because it would take too long.

And to top it all, I'm almost dead.

Wow my life sucks.

"So what do I do?" I ask Maera.

She shrugs.

"So this is it?" I say, with a slightly hysterical burst of laughter, "I'm just going to die? Khione is going to win?"

The room flickered and shuddered around me.

"Our time is up." Maera explains, speaking fast. "You have seconds left to live. Leo Valdez, listen very carefully. The fates forbid that I speak directly so you must try to understand what I'm saying. Khione hates you. You destroyed her plans and shamed her for all eternity. She wants revenge. How do you think she found you that day at the library? Why has everything gone wrong for you so suddenly? Do you understand what I'm saying? Their combined power is too much for me. I cannot stop them."

For the first time, Maera looks panicked. Scared. She walks up to me and puts a hand on each of my shoulders, searching my face.

"Do you understand?" she repeats, but as I open my mouth to answer, the white room fades and once more I am surrounded in darkness.


In the millisecond that I am in darkness, my brain ticks wildly. Flashing back through every second of my life, searching for a clue, for anything, to tell me what to do.

You're supposed to be smart.

Only seconds left to live.



Everything gone wrong.


Click. I understand.


My breath cones out in painful gasps. I can't breath.

Cold is filling my body. I am dying.

I gasp and force open my eyes. The sun is too bright, too painful.


She's kneeling over me. Her hair hanging damp around her face from swimming back to the beach.

I am vaguely aware of Will standing a little way back.

"Leo!" Calypso sobs quietly, her hand softly stroking my cheek. "Leo come back to me. Don't go Leo. Don't leave me alone."

"Khione," I chock.

"Leo!" she gasps, "Oh Leo I thought I'd lost you!"

She began to cry again. Sobs that tore my heart out.

"Khione. She.... Nemesis..." I tried to speak, but with every passing second it was becoming harder to breath let alone talk

Calypso turned her head to try and hear me better.

"Khione prayed to Nemesis... asked her... revenge against m-m-me for everything I did to her" I stammered.

"Khione asked Nemesis for revenge against you?" Calypso says quickly. Every second counts now.

"Made you vanish... made me forgot... sent you Will..." I struggled to say. "Poisoned me..."

"Poison?" Calypso gasped, gripping my hand tightly. "They poisoned you? Nemesis and Khione?"

"Ice. Nemesis helped Khione to -" I had to stop for a second to catch a rasping breath. Calypso held my hand tightly in hers, as if she could force me to stay with her just by holding onto me. "But Maera-"

"Maera!" Calypso interrupted, "My sister! What! What did she tell you! Did she say how to heal you? Leo?"

"Nemesis and Khione working together us too much. She is not strong enough. But maybe someone else... Fire. I need Fire. So... cold..." The world was getting darker around me.

I need Fire. Please Calypso. Understand, your sister couldn't save me. You cannot save me. But someone else, more powerful than Nemesis and Khione.

I tried to focus if Calypso's beautiful tear-stained face. I want her face to be the last thing so see.

A/N - Super short chapter but I wanted to get something posted. Next chapter soon (hopefully) ;)

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