Chapter 2

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"Do you think he'll go crazy?"

"He's just a boy!"

"There's no way he'll stay with us."

"He might think we're crazy and try to kill us!"

I woke up to the sound of faint whispers, but there were no bodies around to be seen. I checked my surroundings. It was a dark night and I was alone in a forest. My heart felt like it would pound right out of my chest. Under my resting body was a bed of leaves that someone presumably made for me. There were many questions circling my mind, the main one being: What the hell am I doing here? I wasn't known for sleep walking, but I was known for panicking in situations like these.

"Hello?!" I yelled out. 


It was just me and the trees that surrounded my aching body. I looked up at the dark sky and noticed that the moon was full. Maybe a werewolf would come out and lead me back to my house. I wanted to laugh at the thought, but no joyful sound could escape my lips. I was too afraid. But being a wimp wouldn't get me out of the forest safely. Letting out a loud grunt, I forced myself to stand up. I could hear a few bones popping causing me to wince slightly. Wherever I was, it was most likely going to be a long walk back. 

I began to drag my feet through the tall grass. I occasionally gripped onto the trunks of trees to help proportion my weak body. Ahead of me, I saw two golden lights. They looked like two tiny marbles shining in between the neighboring trees. I squinted my eyes in confusion. Maybe I wasn't alone after all.

"Hey!" I shouted. 

The golden pair of lights continued to flash. I tried to quicken my pace and limped closer to the lights. Each step I took forward, the glowing lights seemed to move backwards. The pain in my abdomen grew stronger as I tried to keep up with the lights. It felt like someone was playing with me. I just wanted to pinch myself and wake myself up from this bad dream, but I knew it was somehow my reality. I let out a deep sigh and hunched over to moderate my breathing. My brain was telling me to just collapse right here. I wanted my back to slide down against the tree and helplessly sit there in hopes that someone would find me, but that just wasn't an option right now. I was too deep in the forest for me to depend on someone else saving me. I looked back up. The glowing lights were still visible in the far distance.

I continued moving forward. This situation would not get the best of me.  Once I make it back to the main road, I'll go to the police and let the town know that someone kidnapped me. I would hopefully get justice and then counselling because this predicament will keep me up for a few nights. I made this my main goal right now, getting on the main road.


I quickly turned to look behind me. I heard the sound of twigs snapping and dry leaves being crushed. Was someone trying to kill me?

"Who's there?!" I yelled out.

Maybe it was just my imagination trying to trick me. It was a dark night and I've been obviously hallucinating everything including the golden eyes. I scoffed and turned back around to continue walking.

"Holy sh-" Before I could complete the sentence, I was knocked down by a tall figure standing in front of me. I looked up in fear to see a boy with the  ugliest scowl on his face. His skin looked like a thick, rough coat around his ripped body. He had wild tangly hair that reached his shoulders. But the most surprising thing was his teeth. He had very sharp canine teeth, the ones you would see from a pack of wild dogs.

"Please don't hurt me.." I winced. I was going to die.

"None of us will hurt you, youngblood." The older boy spoke in a firm voice.


That was the same thing Darla called me earlier. Darla! I bet she was the one who kidnapped me. I almost forgot about her.

"Darla didn't kidnap you. She saved you." The boy said, extending his hand for me to grab.

I gripped his hand to allow him to pull me up. I brushed the dirt off the lower half of my body. How did he know Darla and how did he know what I was thinking? I furrowed my bushy eyebrows together. None of this made sense right now.

"And how exactly did you know what I was thinking about?" I asked, trying to sound tough.

The boy just smirked. He ran his fingers through his messy hair and turned his back towards me. "Because I read minds. That's my ability. What's yours?"

"Huh?" I asked in confusion. He reads minds? Someone was playing a huge prank on me and I am not enjoying it.

"Look, we need to get you back to the house." The boy said.

"Yes, MY house. I definitely agree. Help me get back to the main road." I replied eagerly.

I wanted to go home and run to my parents. I wanted to call my sister, Kala. I wanted to crawl into my bed and forget this night ever happened. There was so much fright running through my body that I'm surprised I haven't went into shock. I don't understand the situation that I'm in nor do I have any control over it, but I wanted to. Was this a prank or was I just dealing with a bunch of weirdos? Maybe Darla or whoever just took the wrong person.

"No, not your house. Our house. The house we all stay in." The boy said.

I scoffed loudly. Irritation and anger was running through my veins. My pulse grew louder. "Who the fuck is 'we?!' Who are you?! Where am I and what do you want with me?! I'm sorry but you all have the wrong person. Now help me get home!"

"Look at you," the boy laughed. "You're transforming already and you don't even know it. Kenneth, you are the newest member of the Lakewater Pack. I am Mikey, the beta of the pack. And Darla? She's the alpha. And also your mate. Now let's go."

I looked down at my hands. The hair on my arms grew thicker. My fingernails were now longer and very dark. My veins were ice cold. Mikey's words kept repeating in my head. You're transforming already. I was something unique. Something the rest of humanity would fear and shun. Something I currently refused to believe right now.

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