Chapter 8

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It was very dark outside and Darla still hadn't returned. I was anxiously pacing back and forth in the living room. She could be dead. She could be dead because of me. They probably gang attacked her as soon as I left. I should've helped her fend off the giant wolf regardless of what Mikey said. The amount of stress I felt right now was too much for one person. I looked out the window in hopes of seeing Darla's figure walking up the path to our doorstep, yet there was nothing. I let out a loud sigh, kicking the door in pure irritation.

"You know what you did was basically betrayal, right?" A voice from behind me said.

I spun around to see a tall, blonde girl with piercing blue eyes. Ashlyn. She had both hands on her hips. I could tell I was in for a long lecture when I noticed how cold her stare towards me was. A conversation wasn't really what I wanted right now. I just needed to know if Darla was okay. Everything else is irrelevant to me- besides some apparent "secret" in the pack. I carelessly turned my back on Ashlyn and continued focusing on the scenery outside the window. Ever since I arrived, Ashlyn made it her duty to give me a hard time. Being around her felt like I was burning in Hell sometimes.

Ashlyn chuckled and took slow steps closer to me. "Ignoring me because I'm right. Typical."

"Ashlyn, I really don't have time for the bull. I'm worried about Darla right now." I said in a low tone.

"Now you're worried about Darla? Were you thinking about her when you tried to abandon the pack, abandon your mate?" She said, putting emphasis on 'mate.'

I looked over my shoulder to stare directly in Ashlyn's eyes. "Have you ever thought that maybe you're one of the reasons why I tried to leave? You made me feel like I didn't belong. You never encouraged me. I'm surprised Jordan even likes you. You're two obvious opposites." I snapped.

Ashlyn raised a brow in surprise. Instead of firing back a retort, she just scoffed and took position besides me. We stood there looking out the window in silence. I shot the feisty girl a glance from the corner of my eye. Her facial expression displayed annoyance. Sometimes I wished I was more athletic and stronger. That would've made the pack like me when I first arrived. They all think I'm a total waste and now I'm slowly starting to view myself as just that. Suddenly a burst of excitement snapped me out of my negative thoughts. Despite it being dark outside, my enhanced eyesight picked up a clear sight of a feminine figure walking down the path. When the person looked up at the window, a huge smile spread across the corner of my lips. Those familiar glowing eyes. It was no one other than Darla.
Ashlyn couldn't help but give a slight grin as my mood instantly lit up at the sight of my mate. I swung the door open and began running outside. Darla looked up at me with a blank stare. I figured that she was mad at me but I didn't care right now. Right now I just wanted to embrace her.

As soon as I reached her, I pulled her body into mines. I wrapped my arms around her and buried my face into her neck. After a few seconds, my heart felt like it was dropping. Darla wasn't hugging me back. I slowly loosened my grip on her with trembling fingers. She hates me now. I let my arms drop completely and took a couple of steps back. I began to examine her face. She was squinting her eyes at me. Her body posture was stiff. It almost seemed like she was trying to stop herself from scratching my eyes out. I guess I owed her an apology now.

"Darla.." I started with a sigh. "I'm so sorry. I'm sorry for snapping at you and I'm sorry for trying to leave. I felt like I didn't belong here. Everything has just been too much for me an-" I was cut off after Darla crashed her lips into mines.

I closed my eyes and wrapped my arms around her tiny waist as we exchanged a long kiss. Darla began to rub my shoulders down to my chest repeatedly. I let my hands move down further, earning a giggle from Darla. Copying me, her hands moved further down as well. My body began heating up as she slipped her hands inside my pants. I quickly pulled away from the kiss and leaned in to whisper in her ear.

"Wanna go behind the bushes?" I muttered breathlessly.

Darla smirked in surprise and looked up at me. "You dog."

She grabbed my wrist and began leading me away towards the bushes behind the house. I looked around to see if anyone was watching us. I didn't hear any noise or see any shadows. Good. My attention was back on Darla. As we walked to our destination, I couldn't help but think about what the GWP man said to me. There was something Darla wasn't telling me. But my hormones prevented me from bringing that topic up. Something else was on my mind right now. Something we've both been longing for.


My chest was going up and down rapidly as I laid in a pile of grass. My body felt fatigue but that was an amazing experience. Darla shot me a smile as she hooked her bra. I began wondering if now was an okay time to bring up the topic about the secret. The man's words kept echoing in my head. I couldn't stop replaying that scene. What importance did I have to the GWP for them to not rip Darla and I from limb to limb? I bit my lip nervously and sat up.

"Darla." I said in a confrontational tone.

"Yeah?" She said without looking at me while fixing her clothes.

I sighed and looked away in hesitation. It wouldn't be smart of me to bring this up right now but it was something I needed to know. Hopefully Darla wouldn't be upset at me for questioning her. She has a very short temper. I glanced back at here and inhaled deeply. Here goes nothing.

"When the GWP-,"

"Greenwood Pack." Darla said.

"Right," I said montonously, trying but failing to hide my growing irritation. "Anyways. When the Greenwood Pack surrounded me, they told me that you're lying to me about something."

Darla scoffed. "And you believed them?"

"Well, Mikey kinda did confirm it without knowing. He said the reason the whole pack didn't jump you is because of me. So who am I to them? What secret is being kept from me?"

Darla sucked her teeth. Chuckling lightly, she stood up to button her dark blue jeans. Darla shot me one last glance, shook her head as if she was disappointed in me, and turned to walk towards the house. I watched her walk off from me in stunned silence. That man was evidently right after all. Whatever secret was being kept, Darla would never tell me. My trust in her felt toyed with now. I took my eyes off of her and began quizzically staring at the trees. In the far distance, there was a pair of light colored eyes staring at me.

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