Chapter 7

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I stared at my reflection in the mirror. It was someone I no longer recognized. Who am I? What am I? Will I ever be the same? Part of me wanted to break down in tears. I was incredibly overwhelmed. I hope my parents have been looking for me because I now understand why they tried to keep me from the outside world. Right now I wish I was still in my room being my socially awkward self. I wiped a tear from the corner of my eye and inhaled deeply. It's time for me to stop letting people treat me like trash. I'm a man. I'm being too sensitive. I grabbed my coat that I left hanging on the doorknob and quickly dressed myself. Today I'm going home.

Walking out of the bathroom, I began taking slow steps down the hallway. I didn't want anyone to confront me so I had to be discreet. Thoughts of Darla raced across my mind. I didn't know her too long but I'm more attached than I should be. Spending time with her was amazing. It's a little heartbreaking to leave her, but she clearly doesn't think I'm good enough to be here. I grabbed the railing on the staircase, attempting to take light steps. I let out an irritated sigh when the stairs started to make creaking noises. Please don't let anyone find me.

I made it to the bottom of the stairs and felt relieved immediately. I was done being mistreated by these things. A human being, that's what I am. I was raised as a regular person around other regular people. A small part of me felt very guilty. Over a short period of time, I had grew close to Eris. She was always kind to me and stood up for me when the others thought I was lacking. I wish I had another option, but leaving seemed to be the only one that fit. As I stepped outside, I closed my eyes to let the wind brush against my skin. The feeling of fresh air was relieving. I wish I could just sit here and feel the wind blowing, but the Sun was going down so I had to start walking now.

As I quickly made my way through the forest, twigs and leaves made loud snapping noises under my feet. I started to get anxious and worried that the other wolf force besides Darla would pick up the sounds and realize that I'm sneaking off. I wonder if the other pack members think about my feelings. I wonder if they, especially Ashlyn, realize they treated me like shit. If they consider these things, could they really justify themselves in being upset about my departure? It'd be pretty selfish for them to believe I owe them anything. I started to feel a sharp pain in my head. My walking slowed down as I placed a hand over my forehead. I grunted in frustration. This pain couldn't be allowed to slow me down. I had to continue walking if I wanted any success of getting the hell out of this place. I attempted to speed up my walking but was once more slowed down. It felt like there was a strong, invisible force pushing me back when I tried to walk forward.

Run, run, run. Run back now.

In paranoia, I turned around quickly to scan every corner. I heard a clear voice in my head but it wasn't mines. Someone was messing with me.

You need to run.

The beating of my heart sped up suddenly. Cold chills ran down my back. I couldn't stop myself from my instinctive shuddering. I felt like a punk but I knew I wasn't here alone. Someone, somewhere, was watching my every move. With the fear taking over my thoughts, I decided to listen to the weird voices in my head. I quickly turned on my heels to make a run back to the house. My nose was picking up more foreign scents. There were members of different packs somewhere in this forest waiting for me up ahead. Reflecting on my horrible fight with a GWP member before, I knew I couldn't allow myself to be attacked again.

As I ran, I could feel the adrenaline shooting through my veins. I was running as if there was someone right behind me. As if someone was chasing me with a torch. My wolf force was luckily giving me extra boosts of stamina because for a second I nearly started to slow down. The wind was hitting my body harder. My feet felt like they were being lifted off the ground. Then my face made contact with the damp soil. I groaned in pain. Now I was more afraid then before. Hovering over me was a humongous black wolf. His saliva was dripping on my neck as his mouth hung open. He had an aggressive expression plastered over his face. The giant wolf then pinned my arms down with his firm paws. Rattling and rustling came from the bushes and trees. Pack members who weren't in wolf form started to surround us. I noticed the "GWP" tattoos on all of their arms. I just came into contact with the GWP again. I was too stunned to fight back or even make a slight noise. This was it. I was going to be ripped apart. I started thinking about my parents and how much I appreciated them keeping me inside now. I started thinking about Darla's beautiful smile. I started thinking about my very few friends back at school. All the plans I had for the future would never get to happen now.

"Poor little boy." A familiar voice spoke. I recognized the owner of the voice instantly. It was the older man Darla and I fought. The man grinned deviously.

"I knew you were a weakling, but I didn't know you were this much of a punk. I don't blame you for trying to escape that horrible pack, though. They're lying to you about something very important. But you'll never find out what it is, because little Darla won't tell you... And because you won't live to see her again anyways." The man threw his head back to let out an ugly laugh. The other pack members who surrounded me laughed along with him like programmed robots.

The black wolf opened his mouth wider to show me his sharp, stained teeth. I let out a huge sigh and closed my eyes to hold back tears. Kill me, I thought. Just get it over with already.

The weight that was being pushed on my arms was suddenly lifted. I opened my eyes to see the black wolf and another large wolf with golden eyes biting at each other. I knew those golden eyes. Darla. I smiled to myself. She knew I was gonna be out here. The other members did not move a muscle. They just stared at me, waiting for me to make a run for it. My body was getting heated. The hairs on my arm were starting to stand. My nails were once again growing longer. I was undergoing transformation again. I grunted in irritation because it was an uncomfortable process, but I was ready to help Darla this time. I was ready to prove myself.

A hand roughly gripped my shoulder. I turned in surprise to see Mikey. We participated in a quick staredown with each other. He was the voice in my head warning me. I chuckled at myself for forgetting about Mikey's ability.

"Let's go." He said firmly. He gripped my arm and began dragging me.

"No!" I yanked away. "We have to help Darla!"

"Darla can take care of herself! The whole pack won't attack her," he shook his head. "They need her right now."

"But why?" I questioned as he grabbed my arm again.

"Because of you." He said while starting to drag me again. His sharp nails were digging into my skin.

I looked back at the scene. The pack members were expressionlessly watching Mikey drag me away. The man who I fought squinted his eyes at me. Darla and the giant black wolf were still brawling with each other. Why aren't the pack members jumping her? Why aren't they chasing after Mikey and I? Why wasn't I killed? What do they want with me? There was one main important question on my mind.. What secret are my Lakewater counterparts keeping from me? I stared at Mikey in curiosity as he dragged me away.

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