Chapter 3

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We were walking in complete silence. I was too stunned to say anything. My body hair had went back to normal, but I still couldn't get the image of my skin growing rougher and my hairs growing thicker out of my mind. I saw it with my own eyes but I still wanted to denounce all of this. Werewolves were fairytale creatures that no one should believe exist.

But what other explanation did I have for what just happened..?

I looked over at Mikey who was staring me down from the corner of his eyes. I could tell he disliked me from the minute I caught an attitude with him. I had started to apologize, but no words could escape my numb lips.

Up ahead was a white 2-story house surrounded by the many trees of this wide forest. There was a visible, rocky path that led you straight to the doorsteps. The path was very long but I was thankful that it's clear to our eyesight. Mikey took the lead once more and I followed behind him. I truly wanted to apologize to him, but there was no one I could trust right now. Not even myself. Maybe he could read my mind and accept my apology that way. I wondered how many members of this so-called pack were in that house. Which role would I play? That's if they don't decide that I'm a total waste and rip me from limb to limb.

"I'm not mad at you." Mikey said without looking at me.

I stared at him with guilt. "I wasn't trying to be rude to you back there. This is all just.." I sighed. There were no words to describe this situation.

"I understand. You were always apart of the Lakewater Pack, we just couldn't find you. Your parents hid you from the world." Mikey shook his head.

"They hid me? What, are they wolf thingies too?" I asked quizzically.

"They're wolf force as well, yes. They wanted to live more human lives so they abandoned the pack many years ago."

I was in complete disbelief. My parents were werewolf things. Now I understood why they tried so hard to keep me isolated, they didn't want me to be sniffed out. That's also probably why Darla moved in next door. So she could bring me back to the pack where I "belonged."

"Can I tell my parents about this?" I gulped.

"When it is time. They'll most likely come down here looking for you, anyways."

"But can I go back to living my human life?"

"No," Mikey shook his head. "We need you and we need to train you immediately. There are foreign packs who plan on invading."

"Well.." I crossed my arms. "What if I leave right now?" I said defensively.

Mikey didn't reply, he just laughed. I unfolded my arms in silent defeat. This would be a long night.

We finally reached the pack house. I took a deep breath and stared at my feet that were covered in bruises and scratches. I knew there was still time left for me to just turn around and run as fast as I could, but I would stand no chance. They know their way around this forest. If I betrayed their trust on the first day, there's no telling what these things would do to me. Mikey walked up to the doorstep and banged on the door. My ears picked up the loud bangs. All of the sounds I'm used to hearing felt more surreal. They were louder and my ears could dissect different sound parts. It was almost like a new strength of mines.

Just as Mikey was about to knock once more, the door swung open. Standing there was Darla. But she didn't look like the Darla I usually saw walking out to her car. She had a tattoo on both sides of her arms that read "LWP." Her hair was in a messy bun which allowed her to show off her tight jawline. She was wearing denim shorts that hugged her hips accordingly and a yellow tank top with spaghetti straps. My body felt like it was heating up. I began to take deep breaths and before I knew it, I was quickly walking straight to Darla.

"Woah there." Mikey said, putting out an arm to stop me.

Darla chuckled and looked at Mikey. "He's already heated. I knew I shouldn't of worn these shorts."

"Maybe we should neuter him." Mikey joked.

"Nah, I had to see if he had any sexual libido. We need babies, Mikey. We're on a decline." Darla said firmly. She then looked over at me.

"How are you feeling?" She asked in apparent concern.

I sucked in my teeth and looked over her shoulder. "I'm fine."

"I'm sorry you had to find out about yourself this way. I'm sorry we took you like that as well. There was no other way we could've gotten you down here." Darla said. I looked into her eyes and couldn't help but grin. I knew she was truly sorry.

"It's okay.' I said wholeheartedly.

Darla gave me a wide smile. It was almost like the smile a 5 year old would give when he saw the ice cream truck pulling up. I don't know much about Darla, but I knew she was just absolutely adorable. My heartstrings felt like they were being pulled.

"Come in." She said.

I followed her and Mikey into the house. We walked into the living room where I saw over 5 more people. I took a deep breath. This was way more people than I was comfortable with.. There were 2 women, one with fair skin and blonde hair. The other one resembled me, Asian. I was a bit relieved to see her. The other 4 were men. 3 of them had long hair like Mikey and only one was bald. It would take a very long time for me to get used to these people. I wasn't even used to myself anymore after tonight.

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