Chapter 4

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2 days later and I was sitting on the couch next to people I'm still not ready to trust. The Asian girl, Eris, tried her hardest to make me comfortable but nothing was working. The blonde was named Ashlyn and the 3 other men were Damian, Miguel, and Jordan. I was the youngest in the pack. Before me, it was Ashlyn who is 19. I don't think I'll be too successful in fitting in with this pack. All I could think about was my parents. I wanted them to come looking for me so I could just go home. I sighed and began to anxiously trace my veins with my fingernail.

"Hey, you good?" Jordan asked. The redhead took a seat next to me, waiting for a reply.

I looked up at him. "I'm fine."

"I know how you feel, man. This is new. I totally get it. But you can't shut us out forever. We need you." He sighed.

"But.. Why? I should be the one to decide whether or not I wanna be here. My parents got to make that decision."

Jordan frowned. "You can't decide. Wolf force packs are for life. And.. Your parents made a hurtful decision. They abandoned us and many pack members died."

"But.." I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair. "I'm just 16."

"And? So was Joan of Arc." Jordan hit my chest lightly.

Just as I was about to say something else, Ashlyn, Eris, and Darla walked in. Jordan got up and ran over to Ashlyn. The pair exchanged a deep kiss. I raised a brow in surprise. Out of the 2 days I've been here, I just now realized that they were a couple. Darla folded her arms and walked towards me. I looked up at her suspiciously.

"Hey there." She said, extending a hand.

I gripped her hand and stood up from the couch. I was a few inches taller than Darla, but that didn't stop her from being forceful. Almost everyone here was taller than Darla. However, she was never intimidated. She knew she had the power. I sorta admired her in that way.

"Hey.." I said shyly.

Darla couldn't help but grin. "Let's go upstairs."

I nodded in agreeement. While still holding her hand, we began to walk towards the staircase.

"Are you guys about to make pups already?!" Mikey yelled from the kitchen, making Eris and Ashlyn laugh.

I scoffed and Darla rolled her eyes. We began to walk up the spiral stairs. I quickly grabbed the railing after almost slipping. There was no way I would fit into this pack because I was so clumsy. Yesterday, I tripped over my own feet and fell headfirst into a bucket. If I kept embarrassing myself in front of everyone, they wouldn't take me seriously at all. That's why it would be best for them to let me go back home and forget I ever existed. I would just bring this pack down and they knew it.

Darla and I walked into our room. She had a king sized bed with golden sheets, a golden carpet, and golden curtains. I looked at all of the golden furniture quizzically. I was so wrapped up in my own discomfort that I haven't been asking enough questions to understand how everything works and what the hell is supposed to be going on around here.

"Why's everything golden..?" I asked in a confused tone.

"Oh," Darla started. "Because I love gold. When I'm wolf force, my eyes are golden."

I thought about my scary night in the deep forest when I followed the golden lights ahead of me. Maybe that was Darla. I always thought that it was Mikey. Perhaps both the alpha and the beta have golden eyes. I plopped down on the bed and took my white muscle top off. I could feel Darla's eyes on me which caused me to smirk. But now wasn't the time for all of that. I still didn't know much about her. She was my mate, but it still felt like we were just acquaintances.

"So, how did you become the first female alpha?" I asked enthusiastically.

"I'm not." Darla shook her head, taking a seat beside me. "I'm not the first ever. I'm the first of this pack, but there were many before me. People don't like to talk about us. They want to pretend like men dominate everything in nature.. But they don't. Men just have the muscle, but women have always had the brain." Darla said with a smirk.

I nodded my head to indicate that I was listening. "I have to admit, I always thought of males as the leaders of packs like these. It's nice to see a woman."

"Thank you." Darla said, laying her head on my shoulder.

"Kenneth, do I make you uncomfortable?" She asked.

I bit my tongue softly. "...No." I said.

"Truthfully?" Darla looked up into my eyes.

I stared back down into hers. "Truthfully. I just want to know more about you."

"What do you want to know?"

"Am I the first lover or mate of yours?" I asked quietly.

"Yes. Wolf force only get one mate. If you were to ever die or leave, my heart wouldn't attach to anyone else. I wouldn't bond with anyone else." She said sadly.

I nodded.

"Do you want babies?"

"Yes," Darla nodded. "It's a common goal among every wolf force to have babies. Without them, our packs would decline. The Lakewater Pack is currently on a decline which is why it's urgent that you and I.. You know, as soon as possible."

"Well, when do you want to fuck?" I asked nonchalantly.

"Kenneth!" Darla smacked my arm, causing us to both laugh.

"Sorry, sorry.. So, why do I have to start training so soon? And what am I training for?"

Darla looked at me and took a deep gulp. She placed her hand onto mines.

"I don't want to freak you out, but we are going to have to fight. There are packs who plan on invading us. This is why we had to bring you in so soon."

I turned away from her and stared at the wall. Just a few days ago, I was whining about hardly being allowed to leave my house. But now, I appreciated my parents more than ever for keeping me locked inside as long as they could.

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