Reppin in the park

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Sorry I haven't updated in a while 00f also thank you for 706 reads.

"Yo yea slide the bifta I am really fucking ginger!" Stephen sung in the middle of a child play area at 2 in the afternoon. "NONCE!" Someone yelled and threw a yeezy at his head. Stephen sat down on the swing and cried. "Don't worry m8 ull be fine" will said and rubbed his back. "It won't mate. I'm a fucking failure, my dad doesn't want me anymore as I've been listed as a local sex offender. You know my neighbor Margaret? Well I had to knock on her door yesterday and say, hi it's Stephen here just to let you know I touched a little boy." He ranted.

"That is pretty weird mate" tic tac said.
Everyone looked at him. "ShUt Up You FuCkjng Wh0rE" George said. Ksi jumped outta a bush he's probably down her dogging with his mate Sandra. "Don't talk to my bby boy like that he can get an erection all by himself now!" JJ claimed even though everyone knew that he needed at least three bottles of viagra to even make his dick twitch.

"Tic tac get back in the bush with ksi maybe you can shag Sandra too!" Will said. "Shut up Willy head!" Tic tac cries into jjs shirt.

"Come here bby come into my black lambo" jj said and Carried calum back to his car.

"Poppa will you sort out my willy?" Asked calum. Ksi smirked and climed on tic tac. That's a yes in prostitution language.

The rest of the lads gathered round to watch the pee pee be suckled on. Will even bought his shitty camera so that they could prove that calum has blue waffle.

They both got nakey and jj inserted himself into calums butt with a painful moan. He started thrusting faster into him completely ignoring the lads outside, Stephen with his stick out as usual.

The thrusting went on for a while as it's hard for both of the lads to bust a fat one after all the shagging They've done in the car. The seats were stained with sperm and pubes. A couple ginger ones as we all know how he loves to beat his meat to the scent of ksi.

After 20 minuets of thrusting jj busts a fat one and so does calum. Stephen then busts one all over the car like a dog pissing on a lamp post.

After this they all went home and jerked off to nugget porn

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2018 ⏰

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Willne x memeulos x ksi x Calum's corner Where stories live. Discover now