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Taiyang's POV:

I was in the garden, simply watering the flowers, so you could understand my shock when a low drone sounded behind me. A feirce wind tugged at my hair and rattled the windows to my home and it was like a Bullhead was landing behind me. Turning around, that was exactly it.

"The heck is going on?"

The strangely shaped Bullhead turned off its engines and I watched as the cargo hold opened. Four people walked out in full armor, but all had their helmets off. One (he had very pale skin) took a step forward.

"Hello. I presume you own this home?"

I nodded. "Yes, I do. Who are you?"

"I am Zavala, commander of the Guardians and the Titan Vanguard. This," he gestured to a woman with dark skin, "is Ikora Rey, our local scholar and the Warlock Vanguard. And this," he sighed while gesturing to a robot who was eating a sandwich, "Is Cayde-6, or Cayde. He is in charge of scouting the world and beyond, as well as being the Hunter Vanguard."

I nodded. "Uh-huh. Who's he?" I tilted my head at the man in the back. He was around Yang's age.

"My name is Squire, but others know me as 'Crota's Bane'. Call me whatever you want."

"Huh. You the Vanguard of anything?"

He chuckled. "Nope. Just a Titan who's probably the best of the best. It's been a while since I've been to the Tower, though."

I tilted my head. Zavala sighed. "There is a lot of explaining to do, Taiyang. Squire, why don't you get the others off while we fill him in?"

Squire nodded. "Sir!"

He ran back to the Bullhead and I let the strangers in.

"Please, take a seat. Care for some tea?"

Ikora nodded. "Yes, please. That would be nice."

I walked into the kitchen and sighed. As I heated up some water for the tea, I mumbled to myself. "I hope my girls are okay..."

As soon as the tea was ready, I brought it over to the Vanguard and we began to chat.


Timeskip brought to you by RWBY Chibi!: Taiyang, Zavala, Cayde, and Ikora are having tea while the Vanguard explains the situation to a confuzzled Tai!


"So... you're telling me that you three are from another world?"


I looked up to see Squire with a strange thing floating beside him.

"Is that...?"

"My Ghost? Yeah."

I nodded. "Well then. Take a seat. Mind telling me why you're here?"

Cayde and Ikora looked at Zavala. "Yeah, why are we here?"

Zavala sighed. "To make a base. Your Hunter, 'Red', told me here was a great place."

I tilted my head. "Red? Who's 'Red'?"

Someone cleared their throat and when I looked up, my cup clattered to the table. Somehow, the tea didn't spill.

"Miss us?" Yang was standing in the door with Ruby, being her usual self (which was sassy).

"Yang! Ruby! You're home!"

Yang grinned at Ruby, then walked in and pulled up a chair. Ruby waited for a second before coming in and sitting down.

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