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AN: I plan on making a several part thing for the raid. Just saying.

Sapphire's POV:

"Let's go over the plan again. Rule one is...?" Squire (I'm going to call him Bane now, k?) waited for an answer.

"Help the enemy?" Caboose somehow accessed our comms.

"How the hell are you on our comms?!"

A woman's voice came on faintly. "Yes Caboose, help the enemy. How about you go eat some cookies?" You could hear Caboose running away, squealing with joy. The voice grew louder and they reminded me of Pyrrha. "This is Agent Carolina of Project Freelancer. Sory about that, Caboose can be... odd, sometimes, but no matter. I was the one to access your comms."

I heard Bane mumble. "Why?"

"To let you know, we're ready to provide support if you need it. Farewell."

We waited a moment before resuming. I heard Bane tap his foot.


"Obey without question."

"That's two. One is 'don't die'. What's three?"

Ruby perked up. "Stick together." Man, I love her voice!

"Correct. Four?"

Yang spoke up. "Be swift and unpredictable."

"Yep. Five?"

Weiss joined in. "Eyes on the objective. Don't get distracted."

"Bingo. Six?"

"Don't try to be a hero and take on the enemy alone. Instead, be the night."

"You've got it. We're all set, going in. Stay on my tail, got it? We're coming through a storm."

We all clicked our radios, then fell into a single-file line. Bane was in front of me, Ruby on my tail, Yang on hers, Blake trailing Yang and Weiss: Blake. Hitting the accelerators, we dove down into the crazy storm.

"There has never been a storm this bad before on Remnant!"

"Stay focused, Alpha Two!" Bane twisted right.

"Copy that."

We began to twist and turn, narrowly dodging super-heated plasma. As we flew, I summoned Peral.

"Peral, scan these clouds. I want to know what's going on here."

"Sure thing."

He began to scan as I flew, unbothered by my sharp maneuvers. After around a minute, Peral came back to me.

"Very strange. I'm getting Vex tech mixed in with these clouds, as well as lightning Dust. Oh, speaking of Dust, it was collecting on our wings but I turned it into crystals. Welcome."

Yeah, thanks.

"Alright, Guardians! This is it! Tower's right below us. Get ready to dive on my mark!"

I looked up to see something dark fly past. What was that?


It flew past again.


A flash of lightning and I spotted it over Weiss's ship. Please be peaceful!


It moved up a ship.




It was above Ruby now.


Now it was above me.


Still above me. I couldn't make anything out; it looked like a big black, fuzzy oval.


It was between Bane and me.


Now it was above him.


It came out of the clouds. Its body was pure black and black liquid dripped off its slimy body.


Bane dove down, but the thing chased him. NO!

Suddenly, it turned around and went after me!

"Break off! Break off! Unclassified Grimm! Repeat, unclassified Grimm!"

I slammed the stick left and forwards, sending my ship off-course. Above me, my fellow teammates were trying to escape it.

Darn it! We don't have time for this!

Clenching my teeth, I pulled back on the stick hard, sending my ship into a tight turn. To make it tighter, I killed the engines and the Grimm narrowly missed me.

"Eat this!"

I let off a barrage of gunfire, but that only ticked it off even more. The thing slammed into my right wing, caching it aflame.

Darn it! "Hit!"

Bane cursed. "Hang in there, Alpha Two!"

"No use! Get to the objective! I'll find my way to you!"

"You better, you got that?! Don't do anything reckless!"

I smirked, then stood up in the cockpit. "But 'reckless' is my middle name!"

Peral, send the reactor into overload. You know where this is going, right?

"Yes, I do. Hope you're right about this."

Peral ejected me from the doomed ship just as the serpent-like Grimm was chowing down. The ship went down its throat, then blew up, decapitating the beast.

"Wahoo! Wait, what?"

Lightning flashed and I saw a HUGE shadow. The thing came out of the storm and I saw it was a dragon-like Grimm with four heads. As I fell, I visor-palmed.

"Guys! I just ticked a frickin' Naga off!"

I heard Yang slow-clap. "Well done, Sapphire. Well done."

"Cut the chatter, Alpha Four! Alpha Two, get outta there!"

"Don't have to tell me twice!"

Using the Light, I increased my mass in an attempt to fall faster. As I fell, I came across a battle between the Fallen and... Team JNPR?!?

What are they doing here? I thought that Grimm of crazy strength were swarming the objective! How'd they get past them-- or is our intel false? Did our contact lead us into a trap?

"Guardian! Not the time!"

Right. Peral, Gunslinger!

"Make some chaos, partner!"

With a smile, I twirled mid-air, bracing for the impact. When my boots hit the rocky ground, billions of cracks shot out away from me and the sound-wave froze everyone around. When the dust settled, I stood up in the crater, then looked around.

"Which one of y'all want to die first?"

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