Fight on

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3rd Person:

Sapphire ran towards Ruby, who laid still on the wet ground.


He slid right up to her, then gently picked her body up and pressed two fingers to her broken neck. Under his fingers, he felt heart pass by on its way to Ruby's brain.

He began to go into full-on panic mode. "Ruby! Stay with me!" He held her close, then looked at the leader of this mission-gone-wrong. "Bane! Get some kind of shuttle here, now!"

He nodded, then began to hail the Vanguard. As he did so, Sapphire took off his and Ruby's helmets, then pressed their foreheads together.

"Come on Ruby, pull through! I can't lose you, not like this!"

Tears began to roll down his cheeks as he pleaded for the love of his life to hold onto what little light she had left. Around him, Ruby's sister, Yang, fell to her knees, Blake knelt down to comfort her partner and Weiss simply stared at the girl who was so bubbly and cheerful, it seemed like this kind of moment would never happen.

"Come one, Ruby! Stay with us!" Sapphire held her closer. "Please. Just... please. Don't die like this, not now. I... I need you, Ruby." The tears came stronger.

Quietly, he kissed Ruby on the lips, fearful for her life. As this traumatic moment happened, a woman in red broke the moment.

"That's one silver-eyed warrior down. Now, to get rid of the other one." Cinder Fall toyed around with a bit of fire.

Sapphire's face grew shadowed as he slowly laid Ruby down and rested her hands on her stomach. "You will be the one dying, Cinder."

He drew his sword and glared at Cinder Fall, the current Fall Madien. She grinned and raised her right arm, a column of fire spewing from her palm. Sapphire countered this by raising his left fist, the fire getting absorbed by the Outsider's Mark. Cinder took a surprised step back, but Sapphire took an angry step forward, stepping over Ruby.

"Go to Hell."

She bared her teeth. "When Hell freezes over!"

"Then you're going to see a lot of ice real soon."

He lunged forwards, faster than anyone without Spartan augmentations or the Outsider's Mark could track. Snarling, he swung his blade with every ounce of strength and more he could, shattering the daggers Cinder created to defend herself with ease. Sapphire was disarmed by a well-placed kick by Cinder, but he wasn't done yet.

Fueled by the fire he absorbed from Cinder's attack, Sapphire flipped backward then raised his hand to the sky, it answering with a firestorm. Glaring at Cinder, Sapphire tightened his hand around a revolver and brought it down to aim at the Fall Maiden.

"You don't stand a chance."

He let off all three shots into her gut, the first two getting absorbed by her Aura, but the second one depleted her Aura, leaving her wide open for the third shot. It dug itself into her gut and the flames coating the round began to boil her insides. Cinder fell down, screaming in pain.

Sapphire walked right up to her, then pulled his leg back. He then kicked her as hard as possible, his boot connecting to the bottom of her chin, and she flew far away, screaming in agony all the while. After that happened, Sapphire sighed and the fire-storm above faded away, revealing parting storm clouds.

He then knelt beside Ruby and wrapped her in his arms, the tears returning. As he was whispering for Ruby to stay alive, a ship split the air and landed close to Bane. The Titan pointed at Ruby and medics rushed to get her to safety, but Sapphire refused to leave her side.


Sapphire's POV: three months after the Raid-gone-wrong.

"Just... stay with us, Ruby. I don't know what I'd do if I lost you, too!"

I laid my head on her chest, my tears slowly soaking her medical gown. It had been three months now after... after Ruby was mortally wounded. It's a miracle she's survived this long! Screw the science, a damn miracle! I continued to cry, broken to see Ruby like this.

Beside me, the door opened, telling me it was time to go. Sighing, I stood up and walked out. A tear rolled down my cheek as I walked out of the Tower's hospital, better than any others. Fiddling with the tiny box I had gotten a day before the raid, I sighed once more.

Might as well get her something nice.

"What do you have in mind, Guardian?"

A necklace, probably. Nothing too big, y'know?

"That's very... vague."

Shut up, you're no better sometimes.

Looking up, I tucked the box away and entered a jewelry store, keeping an eye out for something Ruby'd like. My eyes fell upon a necklace styled in the shape of a dragon. A sapphire was impeded in the metal, which was styled to look like the dragon's tail was holding it in place, and a tiny chuckle escaped me.


"What did y- oh. I've got to admit, that is nice. I think she'll love it, Guardian."

Yeah, she will.

"Hello! May I help you?"

I looked up to see an employee. I flashed her a smile, then pointed at the necklace. "Yes, you can. I'd like to buy this necklace, please."

She took it out and put it on the glass counter. I noticed the metal chain buried under some black foam and I couldn't help but smile.

The clerk looked up the price, then looked at me with a saleswoman smile. "That would be thirty thousand Glimmer, sir."

Thirty thousand? Pretty expensi- wait a sec.

"You noticed it too, didn't you?"


Peral came out of my head and the clerk took a moment to realize. When she did, she had a look of surprise. Can you blame her?

"O-oh! I didn't realize you're a Guardian! According to store policy, you automatically get 30% off. Now the price of the necklace would be..." she tapped away at a calculator, "nine thousand Glimmer."

With a smile, I gave Peral a nod and he gave the clerk the requested amount, plus a bit extra as a tip. I grabbed the necklace, then walked out of the store and into my room. Plopping down on the bed, I gazed up at my roof, happy I got Ruby something.

She'll be okay, I'm sure of it. She's tough and will pull through. I just can't help worrying, though. Ugh, gotta go to sleep.

Closing my eyes, I drifted to sleep. My dreams were all about Ruby and the condition she's in and how she got that way. That may sound terrible, but it's what I've grown used to over the past three months.

Okay! Sapphire totally owns Cinder and Ruby has been in a coma for three months!

Sapphire buys her a necklace and has some kind of box that he bought the day before the Raid! What's inside?

Find out soon!

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