Snooze Button

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I woke up to a loud, constant beeping to my right. It kept going on and on and on and on and on, getting to the point it was getting irritating.

Shut up alarm clock!

Fumbling around for the snooze button, I accidentally rolled out of bed, falling onto someone.


There was a lot of crashing and stuff and I heard a door open. Under me, the person chuckled nervously and I yawned.

"Finally, quiet."

Someone tapped me on the shoulder. I rolled over, pouting, and they tapped me again.

"Could you please let me sleep?"

I was tapped again and the person under me spoke. "Uh, Ruby? You're kinda on top of me."

My eyes snapped open, which was a mistake. The sudden light blinded me for a moment, then once I had regained my vision, I looked down to see Sapphire looking up at me with a nervous smile. His eyes darted to the side and when I followed them, I saw a bunch of surprised doctors.

I suddenly sat up and got off of Sapphire. "Uh, um."

Sapphire stood up and took a step back. One of the doctors knelt to my level.

"Can you tell us your name?"

I rolled my eyes. These questions. "Ruby Rose, 15, Summer Rose and Taiyang Xiao Long, blah blah blah."

The doctors blinked at each other, then wrote down what I said. One opened their mouth, but I cut him off.

"I know what you were going to ask. So, I answered them at once. You guys are really predictable, you know that?"

They looked at each other, then walked away, leaving me and Sapphire alone. He looked down at me and I looked up, gazing into his wonderful eyes...

"Uh, Guardian? You may wanna sit down on the bed."


"No reason. It's just... Your, um, eherm. Your... 'chest' is kinda exposed."

I looked down and saw what Summer meant.


Sitting down on the bed, I noticed the mess I must have caused when I rolled over. "This is a mess. Argh!" A splitting headache suddenly popped into reality.

Sapphire immediately took a seat next to me and held me close. "Ruby, what's wrong?"

I simply pointed at my head and he understood.

"Hang on, I'll get you some painkillers."

He stood up and dug around in a cabinet, eventually pulling out a bottle. He opened it, took out two ibuprofen, then walked over to me with a glass of water. Sapphire gave me the pills and water, then watched as I took them.

"Much better. Thanks, Saph." I gave him a cheery smile.

He blushed at my nickname, then not-so-subtly wrapped his arm around my waist. I felt my body tense up but then relax at his warmth, his mere presence enough to make me forget all my worries.

I laid my head on his shoulder and he held me close, happy to be with me. Watching his hand drift towards my chest, I frowned and slapped it.

"Not cool!"

"Ow! I was just going to look at the necklace I gave you! Jeeze." He pulled his hand away, the skin a bright red.

My face grew small. "Wait, what?"

"It was while you were still in a coma. I couldn't help myself and ended up buying you a necklace. If you look down, you'd see it."

I did and saw a metal dragon hanging off of my neck. Lifting it up, I noticed a sapphire wrapped in its tail and the sapphire itself? Woo boy! Shifting it in different ways, I watched as light entered the beautiful gem and come out in a rainbow of colors, all playing with my eye.

"This is amazing, Sapphire! How'd you get it?"

He pulled me a tiny bit closer. "A local jewelry shop. I managed to get a discount on it when Peral came out of my head when we noticed a sign saying that Guardians get a 30% discount. Thinking about it, she asked me for about seven thousand when it'd be something more like twenty-three thousand..."

Peral suddenly showed himself. "Don't worry about it, Sapphire. I gave her the right payment, plus an extra thousand as a tip."

Peral then went away and Sapphire smiled. "Glad that's taken care of."

I leaned in for a kiss, then buried my face into his shoulder, toying around with him. He giggled, then picked me up and sat me down in his lap. We sat like this for a while before I sighed.

"Can I get out of here, now? I mean, I love having you next to me, but I don't think a messed up hospital room is a good place for a romantic moment."

"Oh, right. Don't worry, I'll go and check you out, then come back to take you with me. Okay?"

I looked at him, then gave him a tiny kiss on the cheek. "Okay."

He put me aside, then got up and left. I looked around for a window, but couldn't find any. Bored, I took to twiddling my thumbs. Thankfully, Sapphire came back to take me away.

My trademark smile on my face, I hopped to my feet and walked over to him. Together, we left the hospital and entered the room that the Vanguard gave him. As I stood outside, waiting for him to unlock the door, I decided to watch as the sapphire in my necklace refracted sunlight off it.

"Hey, you coming in?"

I let go of the necklace and turned around. He had unlocked the door and was already inside!

"Oh, right, sorry!"

My boyfriend chuckled. "Hey, it's fine. Come on, let's get you out of that gown."

I looked down, blushing. "Right."

I walked in and looked around at the semi-furnished room. There was a single bed, a kitchenette, small bed, and a door to who-knows-where. Sapphire but a hand on my side and pointed at the door.

"There's a bathroom through there. Here are your clothes, if you want to change into them. I'll be here, sitting on the bed."

I took my clothes from his hands, kinda wondering how he got them. (In all honesty, the doctors probably gave him them.) I walked into the bathroom and saw a shower, realizing a very important fact: I haven't had a shower in a long time.

Smiling, I turned it on and locked the door. Even though I'm dating Sapphire, I'd still feel uncomfortable if a boy was watching me while I showered. Taking off my clothes, I stepped into the shower to take a warm bath.

As I was rubbing conditioner into my hair, a thought came to me. Why didn't Summer heal/revive me when I got injured?

"Your neck was snapped. I can't heal that."

Oh. I'm sorry.

Washing all the soap off, I stepped out of the shower and dried off my hair, then wrapped the towel around my body and unlocked the door.

"Wait, Ruby, you don't have any clothes on!"

I smiled. So? We're dating, and no one's going to walk in, will they?

"But, uh, us? What about us, your Ghosts?"

You two can just hang out. We're not gonna do that, Summer. You know that.

"What?! No, I don't!"

I could feel my Ghost blushing. Yes, you do. You can read my mind, given how you're a Ghost!

Summer tried to say something, but couldn't make a word. I giggled a little, then unlocked the door.

Going to end it there. Next chapter's going to start off with a bunch of fluff between Sapphire and Ruby! There's going to be lots of cute romance scenes, just so y'all know!

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