The Tower

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Sapphire's POV:

I made another pass of Destiny's Cry with a whetstone when I pasued.

How many was that?

Ten. You take really good care of your weapons.

Thanks. And about that, take care of your equipment and it'll take care of you.

True, true.

Okay, let explain what was going on. We were all in Ruby & Yang's living room, waiting for the ship to be ready. Tai was having a moment with his daughters and I had promised him around a thousand times (not even joking!) that I'd take great care of Ruby. The others had finished target practice with Squire (or as Caboose calls him, Sigher xD) and now we were about to go to the Tower. As I waited, I decided to maintain my weapons.

After making a final pass with the stone, I examined the atom-thin edge and smiled. Swinging it several times, I put the blade on my lap, smiling. I then sharpened Ocean Wave, then got to cleaning my SMG.

Aaand done. Now what?

I dunno, ask Blake for a book to read?

That's right! I still haven't finished that book I got from that store, From Dust until Dawn!

You have got to be kidding me.

I went to grab my book, but the front door opened to reveal Squire with a helmet under his arm.

"Ship's ready. Time to go."

We all got up and Tai let his daughters go. Slipping my hand into Ruby's, we walked over to the ship, whose engines were spinning up. We all climbed into the troop hold and sat down, Ruby decided to sit in my lap. Several looks were given, as well as snickers, but I silenced them with glares. My girlfriend giggled, then gave me a quick kiss on the cheek, her arms slung around my neck. Squire, Zavala, and Ikora were in the cockpit while Cayde was in the hold with us, a chicken plushy in his lap. He dozed off and the others decided to toy around with him.

Ruby and I took a seat in the corner with the most shadows as we watched our friends mess with the Hunter Vanguard. We shook our heads and then looked into each other's eyes.

"They're going to get in big trouble, right?" I held her close.

"Yep. Definitely." She kissed me on the ear, causing me to chuckle.

We closed our eyes and kissed, electricity leaping between our connected lips. Ruby wrapped her legs around me and we continued to kiss, unwilling to break this moment.


I twisted, dodging the egg someone threw at us. A bit annoyed, I pulled away from the kiss, then reached behind my back, glaring at a frightened Cayde. He had a carton of eggs, as well as an egg in his hand, ready to throw.

"Sweet dreams."

Quickly, I drew a pistol and pressed the trigger. The 'bullet' hit Cayde square in the eyes and he fell back, the eggs somehow not breaking.

"Ow! What was that?!"

Smiling, I nudged Ruby off me and stood up, slipping another Nerf dart into the toy in my hand. "That, Cayde, was a foam dart from a super-powered toy pistol."

I primed the toy and watched as the others got out their own toys. Behind me, the cockpit door slid closed as we all took cover, ready for a crazy foam-firefight. (The troop hold is huge, alright?)


And with that, foam started flying everywhere. We goofed around for around an hour before we all had to take a break. When Cayde stepped out of cover, everyone burst into laughter.

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