Ch. 6 ➣ "Plan."

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Corie's POV

"I can't believe you're dating Shawn! You're so out of his league. He's so quiet, and he's such a nerd. Do you see who he hangs out with, like—"

"Nash!" I yell at him. He's been going on and on over Shawn since lunch, he didn't even know the kid, they had no classes or connections with each other.

"I'm sorry Corie, I just don't like him," Nash mumbled.

It was 7pm after coming back from Mahogany's house. Every Monday and Friday, me and Nash have a movie day just to let off the stress of being yelled at constantly by teachers at school. Hailey comes once in awhile, I think she likes being alone sometimes.

"Anyways, what are we going to watch today?" I asked changing the subject. Nash looked through his practice bag, and pulled out a DVD.

"The Heat."

"Yes! " I yelled out. Nash laughed at my silliness and put the DVD in. We sat down on the couch with a bowl of popcorn in between us.

He and I have been best friends for the longest time. It started in pre-school, when I was new and alone. Nash was new too, so we had something in common. We played on swings, taking turns pushing each other, and that was that.

We were best friends right away. I've never had the slightest feelings for Nash though. I'm guessing you would of thought of that, but I haven't.

He took me to homecoming every year, just as friends, and he was my first kiss in 6th grade. I thought of it as an experiment, to get me prepared for High school.

I knew Nash had a crush on me, but that didn't get in the way of anything. Sometimes I even forget that he likes me more than a friend, that's how much I love him as a brother. I didn't want to hurt Nash, I wanted everything to stay as it is.

My thoughts were interrupted with laughter. Nash looked like he was going to pee himself, I laughed along. It was about an hour into the movie, and my phone started vibrating.

Carter's caller ID.

I paused the movie and put my phone on speaker for Nash to hear as well.

"What do you want?"

"Woah, hold on there," Carter laughed. "I just wanted to apologize to Shawn, if he's there, about Anika."

"What about Anika?"

"Sorry about how she doesn't want him," He remarked, "and sorry that he ended up with you."

I was furious, I couldn't hold in anymore— suddenly an imaginary lightbulb above my head appeared.

"He said its okay and to talk to him tomorrow."

"I'm sorry about your car though," I added. Carter sighed deeply.

"It's alright now, I got a new one," He chuckled. I congratulated him on his masteralistic achievement and hung up.

"Why were you nice?" Nash asked with a mouthful of popcorn.

"Because I have a plan."


"Hurry up! And don't drop the eggs."

Nash and I were in Carter's front yard, holding 2 buckets of paint, sharpies, and cartons of eggs.

"Is Carter still at Taylor's house?"

"Yeah, is your mom with his?" Nash asked to ensure our plan wouldn't be ruined.

I nodded, we got started on our plan. Nash and I painted pink over the black on Carter's car. I took a sharpie and drew on the side window.


Nash took a carton and threw the eggs on the car, making sure it was everywhere. I took my bobby pin out of my hair and unlocked the car. I took the last box of eggs and smashed them onto the car seats. It smelled horrible with the new leather scent.

"They're coming back!" He warned me and we ran inside Nash's car before driving off.

It wasn't the best revenge I could get− in my opinion, I would have tipped off his parents with a lie. But I wanted to do something quick and effective.

"You're a handful, Corie Anderson," Nash half joked as he dropped me back home, "always have been."


I changed into a fresh pair of pajama pants and a Paramore band shirt before heading over to bed. When I checked my phone, my notifications kept going off.

I'm going to fucking get you back. –Carter

I laughed before setting my phone down to charge, I wasn't scared of Carter and his trust fund money. He could do anything to try and take me down, but I've hit rock bottom before. There isn't anything worse than that.

Before going to sleep, I played some Mayday parade to help. But the lyrics reminded me of someone that I couldn't stop thinking about.

Shawn Mendes.


I know this isn't about Shawn or Corie related, but next chapter will be more about Shawn.💗 I promise ! Thanks so much for the reads guys, you're all awesome😘.

- Author💋

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