Ch. 13 ➣ "The Demon & The Angel."

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-Shawn's POV-

I held a now crying Anika in my arms. We were out in public, so this was quiet embarrassing. But I loved her, I took the embarrassment and just kept holding on until she calmed down.

"It's okay," I tucked a piece of her dark black hair behind her ear, "let's go." Before leaving back to my house, I got her favorite drink through the drive thru and we sat down in my bedroom.

Anika inhaled deeply and wiped her eyes again, "I'm sorry, I just−Corie talked about Carter−"

"Don't listen to what Corie says about you, okay?" I comforted her, "you don't know her and she doesn't know you. It doesn't matter what she says."

"I was just shopping and she came up to me," She tried to explain a little bit about what happened, "talking about us, trying to get me to feel insecure and then bringing up Carter and Madison.."

That little– I sighed in frustration when I thought about Corie. I changed my mind, she could stay several feet away from and ignore me forever.

Anika stayed at my house for another hour or two until I dropped her off. Instead of going straight home like I wanted to, Aaliyah was still at Corie's house. Since Anika was upset today, I didn't wanna go inside to see Corie either, so I texted Aaliyah to come outside.

Aaliyah came in rushing, holding a container of something, "I made some cupcakes with Corie's mom."

"I have half a Starbucks drink for you," I offered at the green cup in my hand.

"What kind?"

"I don't even know."

The ride home was just Aaliyah talking about how she made the cupcakes by hand and that she wanted to make some with our mom later when they came home. However, the voicemail that they left on the phone said otherwise.

"Hey honey, I'm sorry to say this, but we're going back to Canada for a month. We have two clients there, so hopefully a month is enough for them. I'll miss you both so much. Grandmom and Grandad will be staying with you guys starting tomorrow. Take care, love you."

I sighed and jumped onto the couch to rest. Isn't it a parents job to stay home and raise us? I shouldn't be complaining, we were old enough to take of ourselves but it would be nice to have them home more often. We missed them a lot.

"What happened?" Aaliyah poked my cheek, she knew I was upset.

"Mom and Dad are staying in Canada for a month."

Aaliyah's smile faded into a frown, "I miss Canada. Why can't we ever go with them?"

"Well, we have school and we're going this summer anyways."

"Yeah," Aaliyah walked back to her room. I headed upstairs and worked on some assignments for the after school classes. Then, worked on a essay from science that's due next Friday. After some Math practice, I took a break and scrolled through twitter. I honestly keep myself busy so I wouldn't be bored.

I saw that Anika posted some pictures of us, making me feel a little better. She was always making me smile, putting me in a good mood most times. Yet, that mood changed when I saw that Carter was complaining about missing Anika.

My mind drifted to that text message– she still had his number and the conversation. Were they still talking? That would mean she's cheating on me.. But Anika would never do that. She was sweet, sensitive, she would never.

Again, my mind drifted off to something else. I thought about Corie and how she bothered Anika today, about what Jack said about her and how I saw her with Nash today.

I honestly felt bad for him, I didn't think Corie is looking for anything serious. If anything it was just a distraction, that would make more sense. I tried to go search for any of her social media's, but all them were left untouched for years.

I'm guessing when she fell in love with this Dave Franco, she fell hard. I set my phone down, and stared into my ceiling. I thought about Corie. She was only a year older, but sure didn't act like it. She was trouble, she always got caught, but she got away with it.

Did I really like Corie? What is it to like someone anyways? I didn't like Anika, I love her. Love is different. When you like someone, it isn't as painful when they say "I don't like you." If you compare it to "I don't love you."

Corie, Anika. Two different names. Two different people. How can I like both or them? Anika , the perfect angel. The one that hurt me, but hey that's love. She makes me feel like I'm worth it. I'm worth living in this world.

Corie, the demon. She can be a handful. She's too intimidating. But she makes me feel, alive . A whole new different person, even if I only spent days with her, those days were the best.

Okay, this isn't helping. I should make a pro and con list for both of them.

Anika's Pros
- She was my first crush.
-She's my girlfriend.
-She's already my bestfriend.
-She already knows everything about me.

Anika's Cons
- Too emotional
- Too bossy
- Too confusing
- She changed
- She probably still likes Carter.

Our relationship would be perfect if Carter wasn't in the picture. He's getting in way, but I'm sure that Anika knows that he isn't worth it. I hope.

Corie's Pros
- She doesn't care.
- She can sing.
-She's actually nice (sometimes)
-She makes you feel alive.
-She's beautiful.

Corie's Cons
-She has a boyfriend

She has a boyfriend. That's the problem. Nash Grier. Of course, they were best friends too. I have no chance. Nash didn't like me already, what's the point now?

Why didn't Nash like me? The question rang through my head. I remember the day I met him, he didn't even say hi.

Then, it hit me. I'm in Nash's place. He loved Corie, Corie didn't love him back, she found a new boyfriend, he was heartbroken, he didn't like him, they broke up, she confessed her love for him, and now they're together. The same thing goes for me, but with Anika.

Wow, this explains so much.

Maybe I'll just be a crazy cat man for the rest of my life.

Wait, this doesn't add up. Johnson went on a long rant about how Corie didn't want another boyfriend after Dave Franco. I needed some clarification.

I decided to call someone that I didn't know I would call. I'm kinda mad at myself, was I really this curious?


"What happened between Corie and Dave?"


Jealous Shawn😱

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