Chapter 3

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Misha slammed the door of his trailer. He couldn't believe his ears.

"Did Jensen really say that?" he asked himself, "Did he really mean that? All this angelic story line," Misha sadly smiled at these thoughts, "is what fans are watching this show for. They watch the show mostly because of the profound bond between Dean and Cas and Jensen still refuses to understand that. He still thinks it's all about the brothers. Idiot."

A quiet knock on the door stopped his track of thoughts.

"God, I hope that's not him," Misha mumbled under his breath.

He stood up unwillingly and approached his door, stopping in front of it for three seconds, taking in a few deep breaths and then opened the door. Of course, it was Jensen.

"Misha, I-"

"I don't wanna talk to you, Jensen," Misha said quickly and tried to shut the door, but Jensen's foot didn't let him to do it.

"Misha, please, we need to talk."

"I thought you had said everything you wanted in that room in front of everyone," Misha said, angrily glancing at his co-star.

"Let me explain, please," Jensen noticed the moment of Misha's hesitation and added, "Give me a chance."

Misha thought for a few seconds, staring at those magical green eyes he used to get lost into while they were filming their scenes on Supernatural and finally said, "Fine. You have five minutes."

Jensen let a sigh of relief and timidly sat on Misha's couch. Misha sat on the other edge of it and glanced at his friend. He seemed to be uncomfortable, like he didn't know where to start. Two minutes of silence had passed and Jensen finally began to speak, half-turned to Misha, "Look, I didn't mean those words in the way you thought I did. And I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said it at all in the first place anyway. You know, I'm really glad you had joined our crew all those years ago and I'm still so happy to see you in. You're my best friend and you know me, you know my personality. And I think you should understand me too, I didn't expect it. I didn't expect that the writers had planned to show Destiel in that way. It made me uncomfortable, I wasn't ready. And I'm still not sure I'll be able to do it. I know, we're actors and we should do our jobs but I've never done this before, you know, with..." Jensen shifted uncomfortably in his seat, "a man."

"Come on, Jay, it's just one kiss. How could it change anything between us?"

Jensen half-smiled at this shortened version of his name. Misha was the only one who called him like that and it always made Jensen feel better in any situation. "Nothing, actually, just...I don't know, I still think this is not what we should do. I'm not that open like you in all this stuff. And I think there should be another variant to cure Dean but I guess the writers won't change anything in the script so I should talk to Danneel about it, ok?"

Misha hided a sigh of disappointment and slight irritation, "Ok."

"Good," Jensen stood up and was about to leave Misha's trailer but then he turned his head to Misha and said, "I'm really sorry, Mish. We're good?"

"I guess we are. See you tomorrow on set."

"Okay, night," and with those words Jensen went out, closing the door behind him and leaving Misha with his thoughts and doubts.

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