Chapter 5

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Misha couldn't sleep properly that night because he was afraid of Jensen and Danneels' conversation about Destiel. He knew that their decision wouldn't change anything because what had been written in the script was already written and no one would change that but it bothered him anyway. He didn't want to be a reason of Jensen's fight with Danneel if she did mind about that upcoming scene.

Misha had met Jared into his trailer before he went to sleep to ask if he knew something about their conversation but all that Jared knew was that Jensen still didn't talk to her. Misha didn't want to put a pressure on Jensen so he decided to wait until morning to ask him personally.

Misha always came to Jared to discuss things about Jensen because three of them were friends and it was the best way to find out more about Jensen who usually told Jared everything about his life. Jensen was closer to him than to Misha in a manner. Not that Misha felt jealous about it, but he definitely didn't like it. The blue eyed man suspected that Jared might've known about his secret crush on Jensen because all that Misha did around Jared was asking him about Jensen. But Misha didn't care. If Jared knew, he didn't show it anyway.

The clock at a nightstand beside Misha's bed said it was 5.30 am and Misha decided it was time to get up. He knew that Jensen usually woke up at 6 am so he decided to talk to him once his friend was awake. Misha took a shower and headed to Jensen's trailer. It was 5.55 am when he arrived but he couldn't wait any longer. He needed to know.

Misha knocked on Jensen's door and waited. After a few seconds he heard a grumpy sound of his friend's voice asking who it was and what the hell that person wanted from him that early in the morning. Misha chucked quietly and said that it was him. He felt a little bit guiltily for waking Jay up but all his guilt had vanished once he saw a perfect sleepy face of his co-star in the door frame.

"Misha, what the hell do you want from me? I had a very good dream and you've just ruined it'" Jensen said and his alarm rang in one second after that.

Misha chuckled again, "Well, your dream would've been ruined anyway so don't tell me it's my fault."

"Okay," Jensen grinned and let him in.

Misha said on the couch.

"Wanna coffee?" Jensen offered.

"Yeah, that'd be good."

Jensen started to pour two mugs of coffee and Misha just couldn't look away from him. He was wearing a robe but it didn't hide a movement of his back muscles. Jay was physically fit and it was really hard to hide that fact under any clothes. His hair sticked out in all possible ways and Misha had to fight the urge of running his hands through them. Jensen turned his head a little and, oh god, that profile! Jensen's monument could stand next to Ancient Greek Gods because he was as perfect as they were.

Misha was stunned by Jensen's perfectness and didn't notice that he's been caught staring until he heard Jensen coughed awkwardly.

"Um...what?" Misha blushed a little bit and that was something he didn't get used to.

"Are you alright?" Jensen smiled and gave Misha his mug.

"Yeah, I'm fine, thanks."

"So," Jay took a sip of his coffee, "Why did you come to me that early?"

"Actually, um, I wanted to know if you had a chance to talk to Danneel about the...script?" Misha didn't want to annoy Jensen with the word 'Destiel' because he know that his friend hated it, so he replaced that word with a neutral one.

"Yeah, we talked about it yesterday," Jensen said calmly.

"...and?" Misha started to feel a little nervous.

"Surprisingly, she doesn't mind. She said she was completely okay with it because it's my job and I need to do that I have to. The script is written anyway and nothing could change it, so yeah, we'll do it," Jensen finished.

Misha relaxed on the couch. He's been waiting for that moment for so long. The moment when he could finally kiss that gorgeous green eyed man. He's been dreaming about it since they filmed season 4, since they met in the first time. And now he was so close to that. Finally. He only had to wait for the last episode of season 10 to be filmed.

"It's really good, I'm glad to hear," Misha smiled brightly but not too brightly for Jensen to suspect something, "Well, see you on set then," Misha added and left Jensen's trailer.

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