Chapter 7

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A few weeks had passed since the shooting of the finale. Jensen and Misha didn't see each other since then. Misha was spending his vacation with his family in Vancouver while Jensen flew over to Danneel and JJ in Los Angeles.

Everything was fine.

Everyone seemed to forget about that little accident on set.

But they were going to face each other soon again.

Jus in Bello was coming.

It was Misha's favorite part of his job, doing conventions, meeting fans. He loved interacting with them because they were the reason he was still on Supernatural. He didn't know where he would have been if it hadn't been for them. And because of them. So he was grateful to get a chance to meet and thank his fans again.

Jensen didn't like conventions that much because the fans liked to ask questions he was uncomfortable with, particularly about Destiel. Those questions put him in awkward positions and he still didn't get used to it. But Jensen did like Jus in Bello because it was the only place he had a panel with Misha and he was waiting for it every year.

But not this time.

This time Jensen was terrified of what might happen there, not only because Destiel had become canon and the fans, for sure, were going to ask questions about it, but also because he didn't know how Misha would react and interact with him after the scene. At least he hoped it wouldn't be that bad.


Misha was the first person from the cast who arrived in Rome. He signed a few autographs at the airport and took some selfies with fans who were shining with happiness after that. Misha was glad that he still had a few more hours alone in the hotel before the rest of actors would arrive. He wanted some time alone to think through all events which had happened recently.

He had a crush on Jensen. It was obvious. Just one look at that man made his heart jump from his chest. Yes, Misha had his family, but Vicki was always supportive and if something was going on between him and Jensen, she would understand and accept that too. Together they made things even worse than this so it was fine. Misha didn't worry about. But he worried about Jensen's life because he knew how he felt about Danneel and his family, Jensen couldn't betray them so he wouldn't wish to have anything in common with Misha in a romantic way. But Misha couldn't deny the fact that Jensen enjoyed their kiss much more than Misha himself. He didn't pull away, he continued kissing him even after the director called the end of the take. Even though Misha was very surprised by Jensen's reactions, he did notice his behavior after, how he had just magically vanished from set and no one saw him after that. Misha wanted to talk to him, to find out why he did all of that but he hadn't had a chance yet. He was hoping he would have one here, in Rome.

Misha didn't even notice how the door of his hotel room was opened and within the seconds the room was filled by Richard, Rob and Jason and he hid all those thoughts deep inside in his head.


Jensen was sitting in a green room, drinking whiskey. He already had two panels today; one with Jared, the other one - his own. But he was going to have one more panel tonight.

His panel with Misha.

He was really excited for this. Or was he nervous? He couldn't tell because he was a mix of emotions at that moment. He didn't see Misha yet, they were supposed to see each other for the first time only on stage. It was definitely not what Jensen was hoping for because he was afraid he wouldn't be able to keep his emotions under control.

Jared entered the room and called for him, "Hey, Jensen, it's time."

Jensen let out a long sigh, "Okay, I'm coming."

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