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If any of you, I mean ANY of you, are ever feeling like you want to hurt yourself or take your own life, please, for the love of the boys (or whoever is your sunshine), talk to someone.

You have support right here if you need it. Friends, family, me! You can talk to me if you would like, via inbox or even via message board if you just want a chat. I'll always be here to listen and I'll always reply to messages.

You can even visit the thoughts room. It's amazingly helpful and I use it a fair bit. No one will know it's you and you can vent to your hearts desire.


Don't do anything stupid. You will regret it. People do care for you. I love you.

I'd like to thank you all for the support on this story, too. I know some of you actually really like it.

I wanted to teach people that you can be okay. You can do it yourself. You just need to believe. It is good to have people supporting you whilst you're going through rough patches, you don't need to be afraid of someone helping you.

The main moral of this story is that you don't need to resort to ending your life. You can tough it out, no matter how bad it is. You can do it if you believe in yourself and I know it's scary, I really do. I know it's scary to actually start living instead of slowly killing yourself. But you can do it.

You also don't need to rely solely on someone else to fix yourself. You can bandage yourself up and heal. There will be scars, you won't be perfect (no one is perfect), but you will be okay.

The story goes through stages. From guilt to comfort, to happiness, to feelings, relapsing, release and finally trust. I hope you have understood the message I was trying to convey.

Smile, lovelies.

Trust » Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now