12 legendaries on christmas

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On the first day of Christmas,

A trainer gave to me,

Mewtwo: Who would give you anything for Christmas?

Be quiet or I'll get the taser!

Mewtwo: grumble Fine.

Okay, from the top!

On the first day of Christmas,

A trainer gave to me,

A Celebi in a pine tree!

pauses Where is that Celebi?!

Dialga: According to what I can pick up, she's in the Cretaceous Period.

Well, go get her!

Dialga: Yes, ma'am. disappears

Moving on!

On the second day of Christmas,

A trainer gave to me,

Two psychic cats,

Mewtwo: Why do I even have to be in this?

Mew: Oh, come on! It'll be fun! Whee!

Mewtwo: groans

And a Celebi in a pine tree!

Dialga: reappears Got her!

Celebi: Sorry about that, I ended up in the wrong era; who would have guessed? You know, this whole thing was a funny story…

Just get in the tree!

Celebi: No need to be pushy! stands on the top of the tree and poses like a ballerina

On the third day of Christmas,

A trainer gave to me,

Three great titans,

Groudon: You know that I'm clearly stronger than you!

Kyogre: In your dreams, earth-shaker!

Rayquaza: Don't make me seal you two again!

Two psychic cats,

Mew: flying around in circlesWheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

Mewtwo: thinking Must… resist… killing impulse…

And a Celebi in a pine tree!

Celebi: Hey! I can see my house from here!

On the fourth day of Christmas,

A trainer gave to me,

Four legendary golems

Regigigas: Anyone up for eggnog?

Regice: We don't have mouths. How can we drink eggnog?

Regigigas: Umm…

Three great titans,

Rayquaza: Why can't you two just get along?

Groudon and Kyogre: He started it!

Two psychic cats,

Mew: C'mon, Mewtwo! Lighten up!

Mewtwo: thinking Killing impulse… too strong…

And a Celebi in a pine tree!

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