lick lick lick lcik

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The couple reclothed themselves and settled back into the front seat. Poseidon revved up his girly-ass glittery car, and off the pair went to Poseidon's mansion, which was quite stunningly beautiful. Medusa stuck her head out of the car window in absolute awe at the marble columns lining the front, as well as the moat surrounding the property. As soon as the god parked, Medusa flung herself out of the window, running for the columns.

"Helllllll Yeaaaah," she exclaimed as she twirled around the various columns like a stripper.

"Let's go inside, okay?" Poseidon took Medusa's arm and guided her into the foyer of the massive house. As Poseidon dragged his drunk pal throughout the house, Medusa tried to lick anything and everything she could. Artwork, vases, maids- this bitch was licking everything. Poseidon dragged Medusa through the doorway as she attempted to lick it, but she soon stopped, distracted by the noises of what sounded like approximately sixty wasted frat boys.

"YO, ITS POSEIDON!" One of the drunkards exclaimed, "AND HE HAS PUSSY!" Large screams erupted from the crowd.

"Yeah, haha! Possy with the pussy!"

"Hell yeah bro, snake pussy!" 

Snake Pubes? (Medusa x Poseidon)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя