chapter 11 I phone calls I

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My phone ringed. 


"congrats on the engagement."

the voice was soo fimilar so mellow...John

"Oh thank you, John how very sweet of you!" I exclaimed trying to sound greatful and excited.

"Cut the bull, tell me whats going on."

"I don't follow."

"What just happened on tv is bull, I don't think ya'll are engaged." John said

It was silent

"Am I right."

I took a deep breath in.

"Your right, but he did ask me I just turned him down.For right now you know what I mean.Now we have to get engaged." I spat out

"You don't have to do anything you want to do."

"Maybe this time I do."

"I know  you, that italian dinner said a lot. I gotten some time to know  you how you are."

"Your point is?"

"Piano practice tommrow.Time to dig deep."

"Tell your wife I said hello."

"I'll do that. see you tomorrow at 7 we have a long day."

he hung up before I could say anything else.

I continued watching tv in-till my phone ringed again. This time it was Troy.


"Hey baby wassup."

"Nothing just got done watching your interview."

"What did you think?"

"Cut the bull, when did we get engaged?"

"Really, Amber I thought I made it clear to you that I want to be with you for the rest of my life."

"Then how come I don't have a ring?" I blurted out

 "Hello,TROY!" I shouted.

I glanced at my phone to see that he hung up on me. That negro. 

* 5 hours later*

Alesha called, she called and called and called again.


"So I see you got engaged to that bastard."

"Alesha chill out with that. You still haven't given enough detail on your story."

" I just want you to be happy, you don't know what stuff he's knee deep in."

"Bye Felicia!"



I hung up, she always aggravating me. Why can't she let me be. Maybe it's time for a little drive.


hope you like this chapter. I 'm thinking about titling my chapters. 

Tell me what you think about that.

I'm also having a casting calls. for later in the story. If you would message me so we can talk about it and it could be you!

Tell me whats your fav. part in the chapter and how much you liked it. What made3 you really curious!

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