Chapter 12 I walks through the park I

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I hopped into the car and decided to take a little cruise. I had to get things off my mind. 




John was the main person on my mind. He shouldn't seem to care knowing that he is married. Why would her care so much about whats going on with me. He's just my piano teacher. Not like I'm ever gonna hear from him again after this is over.

I parked in the park  parking lot. "Argh!" 


I hit the steering wheel. I got out and started to walk around. There was so many questions and so many answers to be given. Every where I go it seems like I can trust anyone. Maybe it would be best to leave and go out on my own. Yeah that's a pretty good idea. I went over to the swings and start to slowly rock back and forth. repeatedly.

I'm a thousand miles away but girl tonight you look so pretty , yes you do!

I looked down at my cellphone it was Troy. 


I turned off my phone.







These chapter are getting short for a reason. Just stick with me okay. Stick with me. You'll see what's coming up.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2014 ⏰

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