Chapter 3: In the Dark

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            Two voices echoed from inside the elevator; one high-pitched and one low, harmonizing with each other. Although screaming in sync, they were doing so for very different reasons. For Zackery, it was a cry for help; for he was very petrified of dark, closed spaces. As for Faniel, he was freaking out because Zackery had leaped over and clung onto him for dear life.

"Aiyoh! Get off me, you animal," Faniel yelled.

"H-Help..." Zackery murmured with a shaky voice, matching his trembling body.

"Dude, what's wrong with you?" Faniel attempted to get loose from the man's hold; but to no avail. "Let go of me. Geez!" His actions only made Zackery hug onto him even tighter.

"G-Get me out..."

"What the..." Faniel complained. "You are sweating on me. Gross!" He could feel Zackery's hands gradually gliding down his back. "Watch where you're touching, you pervert."

"I...I'm afraid...of being trapped..." Zackery whispered; his hot breath tickling Faniel's neck. ""

It can't be... Faniel's eyes widened when he felt something wet dripping on his right shoulder. He's...crying? Blinking in disbelief, a devious smirk edged its way on to his face. Awesome! If he ever picks on me in the future, I'll use this incident to tease him. Zackery's sob became louder, yanking Faniel out of his wicked thoughts.

"Don't leave me in here all alone, Dad. I'm sorry. I won't do it again. Please..."

Father? Faniel raised a questioning brow. His father used to lock him up?

"Please...let me out. I hate being in the dark..."

Suddenly feeling sorry for his enemy, Faniel gradually lifted his right hand to rub Zackery's back in a comforting fashion. "It's okay..."

"I hate...being alone."

"You're not alone, small eyes, I mean, Zackery. I'm here."

"I want to get out..."

With his free hand, Faniel pressed the red emergency button for some assistance. "We're stuck in the elevator. Please send someone to get us out. Thanks!" he said into the intercom.

"We'll call the technicians immediately," the person informed them.

Unknowing to them, there was actually someone seated quietly outside, listening in on their conversation; grinning as he scribbled something onto his notebook. Faniel gave out a sigh and averted his attention back to the man who was still glued to him.

"Help is on the way. Don't worry. We should be out of here soon." Faniel said in a soothing tone of voice. "Why don't we sit down while we wait?"


"It's hot in here. Is it all right if you let go of me?"

Zackery hiccupped.

"I'm not going anywhere. I'll be right here with you."

Slowly, Zackery let go of Faniel and they both sat down on the floor. Faniel kept his left arm wrapped around Zackery's shoulders so he wouldn't panic.

"Take a deep breath," Faniel suggested and Zackery listened. "Feel better?"

"A little..." Zackery replied; his voice was still a bit unstable. "I really don't like being in the dark."

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