Chapter 7: Fix It!

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            "I'm no boy!" Faniel shouted in frustration and panted heavily with flustered cheeks.

"..." Zackery blinked, a bit taken aback by the other's sudden outburst.

"I'm a grown man!"

Zackery nodded, understandingly; not wanting to aggravate the other any further.

"Don't just lie there! Do something..."

"About what?"

"This!" he exclaimed. His bottom lip jutted out and he wrinkled his eyebrows; as he pointed downwards.

Zackery's gaze followed where Faniel was directing his finger at and saw the presence of a little excitement that wasn't so little. "Oh, my..."

"Don't 'oh, my' Fix it!"


"I don't know. You're the one who might be gay."

"But, I've never done it with a guy before."

"I've never done it, ever," Faniel admitted.

Immediately sitting up in bed, Zackery gawked at him in disbelief. "You're a virgin?" A corner of his lips lifted up into a smirk.

"Aiyoh! Quit smiling like that, you pervert. It's really creepy." Faniel palmed his hips and leaned his upper body slightly forward as he proceeded to complain. "What's wrong with being a virgin?"

"Nothing," Zackery muttered. "I just thought that someone with your good looks would have already done it."

"You think that I'm good looking?" Faniel grinned.

"You're better looking than me."

"Well, that's not saying much."


"Kidding. I'm only kidding." Faniel laughed. "Anyway, unlike you, I am saving myself for someone special. Okay?"

"You think that I'm special?" Zackery went all dreamy eyes and sighed in happiness.

"No! You're only here to satisfy my needs."

"Aren't you straightforward?"

"I only want you to know that your purpose here is to undo what you did to me."

"Huh? What did I do to you?" Zackery thought he heard a confession but wasn't completely sure. Does he...have feelings for me as well?

"There's no time to explain. Just know that you are nothing special." By now, Faniel wasn't too sure what he was talking about anymore. His hormones were getting the better of him.

"But, you just said..."

"Forget what I said. I want sex, right now, right here. Got it?" Faniel demanded.

"'re still a guy."

"It'll be good practice for you, when you and that guy you like get together."

You're that guy, short legs. Zackery narrowed his eyes at him.

Faniel took in a deep breath, sat down beside Zackery and leaned over to crash their mouths together for a surprisingly passionate kiss. When he pulled away, Faniel nearly sucked Zackery's reddish lips along with him. "So...what do you say?"

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