Chapter 4: Cold Shower

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            "Oh, no..." Zackery saw a mass of people coming towards them, so he ran back to grasp the frozen man's wrist. "Let's get out of here!" He dragged the shocked male with him to his car and unlocked the doors. "Get in!"

"O-Okay..." Faniel gulped when he noticed how close the crowd of admirers was approaching. Promptly opening the door, he got in and shut it.

Zackery pulled out of the parking spot as quickly as possible. "Put on your seatbelt!"

"All right." Snatching it, he drew it across his chest and buckled up. Faniel glanced over at Zackery and discovered that he didn't have his on. "What about you?"

"I know...I know..." Zackery grabbed hold of his seatbelt and snapped it on at the next intersection.

Faniel noticed that Zackery was slightly hunched over. "Um...are you sure you don't need to go to the bathroom? You really look like you need it."

"I...will be fine as soon as you get out of my car."

"Don't blame me for your overactive bladder."

"Aiyoh! I already told you, I don't need to pee. Geez!"

"There's no need to freak out over such little things. If you need to pee, you need to pee. It's okay."

Pulling into the parking lot, Zackery stomped on the brake harshly, making them both jolt forward.

"For the last time, I DON'T NEED TO PEE!"

"Whatever. Hold your urine if you want. I don't care." Faniel opened the door and got out of Zackery's vehicle. Peeking in the window, he stated. "Plus, you stink. Bye!"

What? I don't stink. Zackery lifted his left arm and took a sniff. Okay, I do smell kind of funky. It's probably due to all that sweating in the elevator. He took in a deep breath to calm himself down. I definitely need a shower; a nice cold one. Yup, that's what I need. It's all short legs' fault. How could he tease me like that? Zackery pulled out of the parking lot and headed home.

What's wrong with that guy? Faniel watched as Zackery drove away. I think his small eyes are messing with his vision which has somehow messed up his brain as a result. Who in their right mind would want to hold that stuff in? Seriously. I feel bad for his car. Faniel unlocked his black convertible, got in and started the engine. Driving out of the underground parking area, he lowered the hood of his vehicle and allowed the cool breeze to ruffle through his short, spiky tresses. That Popsicle sure tasted yummy. Too bad I had to chuck it down so fast. What a terrible waste of a good dessert? Ugh, it's all that weirdo's fault.

The next morning, the same four people sat in the big conference room like before and waited for the newcomer to arrive with the second installment of 'Hate to Love You'. Eddy was able to join them today, so they didn't have to email him a copy. Shortly after, the said young man clumsily stumbled in, holding a stack of papers.

"H-Hello, s-sorry to keep you all waiting," he stuttered.

"You're just in time," Patryk said.

"Good morning, Luke," Nicky greeted.

With a side of his lips lifting to a wavering smile, Luke quickly handed out the scripts to them. The tall man stood there quietly as the three read through what he wrote.

Zackery looked up when he finished reading. "Luke!"

"Y-Yes...?" he answered with uncertainty.

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