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A tall man with the skin as white as milk held my hand and began to ask me the question that caused my heart to thump and beat so fast, so loud I'm sure even he can hear it.

"Park Ara, will you be my girlfriend"

I breathed heavily and answered his question

"Yes, I'd love to"

He sighed in relief and began to cup my face with his gentle hands and began to lean in

I closed my eyes and waited for the kiss

I waited patiently, hearing nothing but my fast heartbeat. Every second, it just becomes louder and louder until it hurt my ears

Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep

I groan in annoyance as the sound of my alarm reaches my eardrums.

"Ugh, it was so close! Lee Jong Suk's face was inches from mine! Even if it's just a dream please just let me be happy with my crush" I pouted to myself as I glanced at his poster in front of my bed

"Good Morning Jong Suk oppa~" I smiled dreamily

I checked the time and it says 6:30.

I still got time to get ready and with that, I stood up and walked away from my bed so as not to be tempted to go back to sleep again.

I'm really bad at resisting temptations, you know?

I took a shower, changed into my uniform and grabbed my backpack as I bid farewell to my Shiba dog named Can-Can.

Can-Can was a gift given by my parents the day I moved out of the house to stay in an apartment. It'd lessen my home-sickness they said.

She's 9 months now and she just keeps on growing.

My best friend Choi Seohee was bewildered when I told her that I named the pup Can-Can the first time she met her. With that, I explained how Can-Can finished a can of cat food the day she stayed at grandma's when my parents and I went to Jeju for a vacation.

I smiled discreetly remembering those times as I went to the bus stop to wait for the bus taking my school's route.

It's taking so long for a bus to arrive today, I wonder why?

I can't be late for school!

I'm too afraid to enter the detention room as I stare at the boring walls and hear the deafening silence of the students caught and weren't abiding the school rules.

"Boo!" someone shouted and held my shoulders

"Yah!" I shrieked as I took a look at the tall guy who was now beside me, laughing so hard but all you could hear are muffled chuckles since he's wearing a face mask (a/n: the one you put on your mouth, not the skin care product ㅋㅋㅋ)


Hey Wannables! *insert Daewhi's voice*

So I was planning on publishing this book for a long time already, like I already have ideas and inspiration and now I did it!!!

Please support me and my story by leaving comments and votes ♡

So who do you think the guy was? Comment your guess!!!


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