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So sorry for the delay T-T

"That kid is being rude nowadays. He wasn't even like that before." Jaehwan oppa said as he stomped his foot and pouted.

"Aish! Jaewhanie why did you step on the puddle? You've made it harder for me to clean it!" Minhyun oppa exclaimed as he was holding a mop.

"Oops, mianhe hyung~" Jaewhan oppa cooed.

I just laughed at the sight of the two sunbaes.

Somehow, I felt better.

It was all thanks to the people with me right now, especially Jinyoungie oppa.

"Jinyoungie, I'll just go change. Then we can go after okay?" I told him.

"W-We're going home together?" He stuttered

"Ne~ that's what you said when we talked that one night right?" I reminded him as I looked confused.

"Oh, yeah. I remember" He smiled as he scratched his nape.

I just nodded and went to the changing room to change clothes.

Jinyoung's shirt was bigger that me. It even reached my midthighs.

I just tucked the shirt in for t to look better.

I went inside the dance room and saw Jinyoung staring at me.

"Maybe he didn't like people tucking in his shirt when he lends them?" I thought

"Uhm, I tucked it in since it was so big. It even reached my midthighs so I thought I should just tuck it in. Does it look bad?" I worriedly said.

"No, I like it. Yes, good. You look so adorable" He said as he hurriedly went to me pinching my cheeks.

"You kids are making Wingkingie jealous" Jihoonie oppa said as he pouted cutely.

"Cuuuute~" Woojinie oppa said as he pinched Jihoone oppa's cheeks as well.

"Jinjja?" Jihoonie oppa pouted more

"Jinjja-ro!" Woojinie oppa smiled at him

"Right hyungs? Our Wingkingie is cute right?" Woojinie oppa asked the other sunbaes

The other sunbaes agreed with a couple 'Yeah's and 'Of course's

"Our pigeu baby is so cute" Sungwoon oppa said as he pinched Jihoonie oppa's cheeks

"Yah! I'm not pig! I'm 19, you fight me?"(a/n: miss these moments of the boys T-T)

Sungwoon oppa just raised his hands in defeat as all of us just laughed.

"Well, it's getting late" I told Jinyoung

"Yeah. Hyungs, we'll go ahead" He told the sunbaes

"Alright, be safe you two!" Daniel oppa said as he gave us his bunny smile.

Both Jinyoung and I just nodded and smiled as we walked out of the dance studio and building.

We went by the bus stop.

"We won't ride the same bus right?" I asked him.

"We're riding the same bus"

"Huh? But your stop is not the same as mine" I said quite confused

"I told you, I'll be with you when you go home right?" he reasoned out

"But, I thought you only meant walking me to the bus stop. It would be such a hassle on your part if you'd ride two buses everyday home" I worriedly said.

"It'll be fine. If it's for you, then it's fine." He smiled as we entered the bus.

I just sighed in defeat as he motioned me to sit by the window.

Minutes passed of us chatting during the ride when we went down the bus stop.

Jinyoung walked me to my apartment.

"We're here" He said.


"You sure you're okay?"

"Yup. I'm okay. Don't worry about me. Uhm, I'll wash your shirt and just give it back to you tomorrow."

"No, it's fine. Keep it."

"Really?" I said quite surprised.

"Yeah. You suit it better than me. It looks better on you"

"Aish" I laughed

"I should get going. See you tomorrow?" He said as he slowly walked away, still facing me

"See you tomorrow" I smiled

"I'll text you when I get back. We still have schoolworks to do" He said

I just chuckled as I waved at his disappearing figure.

I guess, we'll both stay up late tonight because of school, huh?


Hey Wannables~

Guess who's gonna see the boys on September! uwu Nayana, nayana~

haha so yeahhh, I'm really sorry if the update took long :< school's been killing me these past few weeks.

Anyway, please continue the support and PLEASE PLEASE VOTE AND COMMENT!


All the love,


Fear ➳ l.g.l.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon