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"Don't be scared Ara-ssi, I don't bite, but this guy might" Tzuyu unnie teasingly said as she pointed at the cod looking guy beside her, probably her boyfriend.

She tried to put her arm on the tall guy's shoulders causing him to slightly lose his balance, but recovered quickly.

"Lai Guanlin. As cliche as it may seem, he's our Mr. Cold Guy, our former maknae and of course, my byeongari." Tzuyu unnie smiled at me.

I looked at Guanlin and saw him roll his eyes as a small smile appeared on his lips.

Perhaps, Tzuyu unnie, his girlfriend, is the only one that can tame someone like him huh?

Somehow, I continued to stare at the pair that it seemed to weird them out a bit.

Everyone would definitely give them glances, I mean they both look so good.

They look like they came out from a manwha.

I mean, all of those present in the room are overflowing with attractiveness.

They all had their own charms.

"Come here, Ara-ssi. By the way can I call you that? I've always wanted a girl deongsaeng." Tzuyu unni pouted cutely.

"Hmm okay? She isn't so intimidating after all huh? I like it here" I thought

I smiled at her, appreciating her efforts of trying to get close to me.

I went by her direction.

"Of course, Tzuyu unnie?" I said quite unsure on my approach

"Yay! I love hearing it!" She gleefully said as she jumped and squealed like a girl who got noticed by her crush.

She guided me to sit at the seat she was occupying a while ago and asked me to sit.

"If you want dance class to be easier and comfortable, you have to always tie your hair. It'll be easier, plus, your hair won't bother you while dancing" She said as she started styling my hair into a tight ponytail.

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