Chapter 7: Safe

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Hank walked into his house to see both his daughter and granddaughter asleep, pressed to Jay's side. Jay had one arm wrapped firmly around Erin's waist and the other stroking Sophia's hair. The TV was on, and he sat and watched the Blackhawk's game.

"I see you've figure things out Halstead." Hank chuckled as he grabbed a glass of scotch and sat in the couch opposite him.

"Yeah, I did. I also got Erin to make the decision of moving back here."

"How did you manage to do that?" Hank asked. His granddaughter began to stir in her sleep, and hearing her grandfather's voice she sat up and ran over to him.

"PAPA! You're home."

"Hi Princess."

"Can we still go to the park?" Hank nodded and told her to go grab her shoes and coat so they could go.

"Hey, Hank. Erin and I will probably go out tonight, and stop by our place to see if we need to get anything done before they move in. If it gets too late and we are still over there, we might just crash."

"Okay, I'll watch Sophia for the night." Sophia came running down the stairs and into her grandpa's arms. They made their way out, but before Hank left, he called out one more thing.

"Halstead. If anything happens tonight, use protection. We don't need another one of these one's running around just yet." Jay laughed, but couldn't stop the blush from creeping onto his face. Erin woke to the sound of the door slamming shut, moving too fast, and causing her shoulder to ache. 

"Easy there tiger." Hank chuckled as he pulled Erin back into his side.

"Where's Fia?"

"She and Hank just left for the park. He was down to watch her tonight, leaving just the two of us." Erin couldn't remember the last time in the past five years where she had a free night. "I was thinking, maybe we can go on a date?" 


"Come on, Er. I haven't seen you in 6 years, there are things we need to catch up on. I also want to swing by our place and see if we need to get anything together last minute."

"Okay." Erin spent the afternoon on the phone with her boss, explaining her relocation. Unhappy with the move, Carter respected her decision, but asked that she come and explain everything to her team. Erin threw on some jeans and v neck before making her way down stairs. Jay was waiting in the driver's seat.

"It's so weird being in the driver's seat with you." Jay said as he backed out of the drive way.

"I can't wait until I'm cleared to drive." Erin muttered. They arrived at the local diner and took a seat in a booth in the back.

"How did New York treat you?" Jay asked after the waiter came and took their order.

"It was good. My team was amazing, but it was never the same experience as working here, with the Unit. It was also a lot more work behind a desk."

"You hate sitting behind a desk."

"I know, but after I had Sophia, I realized that maybe it was for the good that I sat behind the desk. Then I came here, and being out in the field gave me a rush of adrenaline, and I've missed it so much, Jay."

"Well it's good that you have your job back, I still got your back, you know that right? I doubt Hank will still let us be partners."

"I wouldn't want anyone else to be my partner. He knows that you'll be the one that would take a bullet for me, so I don't think he'll split us up." The check arrived, Jay insisted on paying, and they headed out. Jay drove them back to the familiar apartment building. He unlocked the door, and not much has changed since. Everything was the same, and it felt like home.

"I didn't change it up, because I had hope that one day, you would come home, and everything would be just as you left it." Erin couldn't help the tear that fell onto her cheek. She turned and faced Jay. He meant everything to her. She kissed him, passionately, and he kissed her back. They made their way into the bedroom, tossing their clothes everywhere. Erin and Jay hadn't had sex in 6 years, and to say they needed each other was an understatement.

"Are you sure?" Jay asked, "With your shoulder, and being back, and-"

"Just kiss me already." Erin said as he slammed his lips onto hers. She missed this, she missed him, and she was glad to be back. Jay reached for a condom, but Erin stopped him.

"I'm on the pill."


It was just a little after midnight when they finished their second round. They found their way to the couch. Jay slipped on some sweats, and Erin threw on Jay's t-shirt. She rested her legs on him, and he rubbed circles with his finger on her thighs.

"Why'd you name her Sophia?" Jay asked, snapping Erin out of her thoughts.

"I named her after your mom, Jay."

"But why?"

"I remembered our conversation, because I know that your mother meant the world to you. Losing her to cancer was the worst, trust me I know. I named her after your mother, and after the mother-like figure in my life."

"But why keep Halstead."

"I hyphenated, because I wanted her to have that part of her father. I wasn't going to take that away from her. I love you Jay, and I'm never going to stop." Jay leaned in and kissed her back, this was the life he wanted. This is where she felt safe.

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