Chapter 23: Spencer

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--- 4 MONTHS LATER ---

A lot has changed in the past four months. Erin and Jay were busy planning their wedding, Megan and Carter had officially moved to Chicago, Erin and Hank got their tattoos, Will and Nat eloped, and they finalized the papers for Spencer's adoption, and were just waiting for the court hearing. 

"Hey Spence," Erin said as she walked into Spencer's room and sat on the bed. The girl was painting a picture, something Erin noticed she did a lot of when she was stressed or bored.

"Hey, Erin."

"How are you?"

"Nervous, for tomorrow." Erin and Jay had gotten a call, letting them know that their hearing was the next day. They sat down and talked with Spencer, letting her know that nothing was going to stop them from becoming a family.

"Remember, Jay and I talked, and this isn't going to change anything. This is the finalizing moment, to legally make it official, but we already made it official. You are our daughter, and we would not change that for the world." Spencer nodded, and Erin could tell she wanted to be left alone, so she kissed her daughter on the forehead before leaving her room. Jay was sitting on the couch with Fia asleep in his lap.

"How'd it go?" Jay asked as he turned off the TV and faced his fiancée.

"She's nervous, and so am I, Jay. What if it isn't approved?"

"Why wouldn't it be, Er?" Erin just sighed, before the doorbell rang and Erin went to go get it.

"Hey future sis."

"Hey Meg, I didn't know you were coming over." She smiled, before Erin invited her in, and they walked over to the kitchen.

"Hey JJ."


"Where's my other niece?" Megan said as she plopped onto the couch next to the sleeping Fia.

"She's upstairs, worried about tomorrow." Erin and Jay had only invited those who were close to them. Hank, Megan, Carter, Nat, and Will. She knew that the IU wanted to be there, but she asked them to come to her house and set up a little surprise party to welcome their new daughter.

"I'll go talk to her, but Erin, everything will be fine. You are her family, and there are no better parents for her."


Today was the day that they were going to make it legally official. Erin got Sophia up and ready, while Jay went to go talk to Spencer. They stopped by a local donut shop to grab breakfast before meeting everyone at the courthouse.

"PAPA." Fia smiled as she ran over into her grandfather's arms.

"I'll watch her, you three go and talk to the lawyer." They talked to the lawyer, before the Lindsay-Halstead family was called in. The judge sat and listened to their case, before reaching his ruling.

"Spencer, are you happy?" Spencer nodded, but was fiddling with her fingers something she does when she is nervous.

"Well, then I just made this day a whole lot happier. I grant Jay Halstead and Erin Lindsay official custody of Spencer Lindsay-Halstead." Erin and Jay bursted into tears as they hugged their daughter. Spencer began crying as her new aunts, uncles, grandpa, and little sister joined the group hug.

"Well, looks like you are stuck with us now." Will said causing everyone to laugh. Erin was speechless. She had so many emotions inside her, and couldn't have asked for anything else. 

They all made it back to the Lindsay-Halstead house, and Spencer was surprised to see her intelligence family waiting there for her. She smiled and hugged everyone as they welcomed her as part of their family. Jay wrapped his arm around Erin as they smiled at the way their two daughters interacted and laughed with their aunts and uncles. She was overjoyed, with her family, and really wished that Justin and Camille were still here to join them on a day like today.

"This is pretty great what we have going here." Jay whispered into Erin's ear.


"I'm ready to have another baby."

"Seriously?" Erin asked, before Fia ran up and dragged her mom to join them. They party died down, and everybody left. Jay and Erin put the girls to bed, before going back downstairs to their own room. Erin was taking her makeup off and checking her phone when Jay walked up to her and wrapped his arm around her waist

"Hey were you serious about earlier?"


"You want another baby?" Erin smiled at his nervousness, and nodded.

"Yeah." He said as he reached up to rub the back of his neck, something he did when he was really nervous.

"Two daughters and a dog isn't enough?" She said as she slowly unbutton her shirt.

"Nope." Jay said as his breath hitched.

"Okay." Jay kissed his future wife fiercely, before picking her up and laying her down on the bed. He locked the door and climbed back on her.

"Aren't you on the pill?" He asked in between kisses.

"I accidentally skipped Wednesday."

"I love you, Erin."

"I love you too, baby."

"Let's have a baby."

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