Chapter 14: Newest Lindsay-Halstead

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--- 3 MONTHS LATER ---

"Mommy can we get a puppy pleaseeeeeee?" The only thing that Sophia has been asking for recently is a puppy. Erin was on board, but she knew Hank and Jay would oppose the idea, especially because she would have to bring this dog to work, whenever they aren't home.

"Sophia. That's enough. We have talked about this babygirl."

"I just want a puppy mama." Erin sighed and learned to ignore the request, and continue doing what needed to be done.

"Go ask your father." Erin had to continue prepping everything for the wedding, work, and being a mom, which was very hard. She and Jay haven't found the time to even book a date for their wedding. 

"BUT DADDY!!" Erin chuckled as she heard her child begging for a puppy. 

"SOPHIA! PUT YOUR SHOES ON PLEASE! PAPA IS COMING SOON TO PICK YOU UP FOR SCHOOL!" Sophia grabbed her shoes and continued to chat about the puppy they should get. Midway through, the doorbell rang, and Jay opened the door to reveal Hank.

"What's up the two of your asses?" Hank asked when Sophia left the room to grab everything she needed for school.

"She won't stop about the stupid dog." Erin said she took a seat on the barstool and held her head in her hands. She was exhausted, and because of the case they were working on, she has been staying up late and waking up early.

"Hank, can you just cave in to your granddaughter and say yes so I can get her that damn puppy." Jay said as he grabbed a cup of coffee.

"We will even get a baby german shepherd and pay for the training so that it could become a police dog, that way it will be to our advantage."

"Fine. Okay, but don't tell her I said yeah." Hank said, as Sophia walked into the room.

"Ready to go?" Hank asked as he grabbed her backpack and lunchbox off the counter.

"Papa can we get a dog?" Sophia asked. 

"If you are good and stop talking about it, then I will think about it." That was all Sophia needed, because she stopped talking about the dog.

"Er, Jay, take the morning off. Ruzek and Tony are still working on locating this guy, so whenever we get word, we'll call. You two look like you can use some sleep."

"Thanks." Erin replied.

"Bye mama, bye daddy."

"Bye babygirl, be good at school today." Erin called out as the door shut behind them.

"I'm going back to bed." Erin said as she got up from the bar stool and walked towards the bedroom.

"No wedding planning today?"

"I'm exhausted, I don't even know what we are doing."

"Megan's coming." 

"When?" Erin halted in her spot and smiled.

"Tomorrow. She'll be here for a week and a half. A couple days before Fia's birthday, and a couple of days after. She has a busy job, but she was able to get that time off, and she's bringing Carter. Told her she could crash here, and I just thought Fia could sleep with us."

"Sounds like a plan."


"MEGAN!!" Erin exclaimed as Jay let them into the apartment.

"Hey, Lindsay it's good to see you too!" Carter called from behind. Erin embraced the both of them into a hug, before inviting them in and showing them to Fia's room. Fia was sitting in the corner drawing a picture, not realizing they were all there.

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