Chapter 30 (Fracture)

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- Chapter Thirty -



We’ve passed the mountains, and time doesn’t seem to pass. I’m leaning on the girls to walk, and I’m afraid I’m an overload on them. I’ve asked Akando to put me down when I felt like I’ve really tired him, and it was an argument that could’ve lasted for hours until he finally gave up.

“We’re there,” Akando says quietly.

“Really?” I ask, and look forward through the trees to find a clear land coming in view, and I can already see the huts where they must keep the prisoners.

“Take care guys, and stay hidden in the shadows,” Ahiga instructs.

A typical soldier.

Is Lenno still alive? Am I really about to see him now? Talk to him, listen to him, see the smile on his face. I wish he could be in front of me now so I can crouch and hide inside of him; there’s nowhere safer than the hearts of those who love you.

My breaths increase rapidly and become audible. “Look who’s already passing out,” Tula jokes. “Can’t wait to see her man.” she laughs. But by the look on Akando’s face we all shut up, and she clears her throat; not knowing what to say, or how to fix what her words have done.

“I hope he’s fine,” Akando speaks. Surprising them all–even I’m surprised. “Ready to finally meet him, Len?” he winks at me, and I find it hard to stretch my mouth into a smile.

“Yeah, bro. We all hope he’s fine.” Ahiga says after a short while, tapping on his shoulder. Then he turns and smiles at me. His eyes naturally and magnetically move to Tula, and they seem to settle down, find home. I almost cry seeing the way he looks at her. He walks to her and takes her hand, and holds tight on to them.

“I missed you,” he whispers to her, and she blushes.

“I love you.” she whispers back–almost inaudibly.

“Take care when we get there, promise?” he tells her.

“Promise. And you too.”

He smirks at her naughtily then his eyes and features soften as he says, “I’m coming back for you and Kimi.”

Watching them I realize how difficult it must be to marry or love a soldier. He’s always in danger and you have to say goodbye every once in a while–not knowing if you will see him again. And the days he’s away your brain will be about nothing else but thinking and worrying about him. Those days sure pass by like slow death. Then I remember I love a soldier too, and I’ll have that life one day, just like when I used to worry about father and Akando every time they had to leave for wars. Maybe when it’s your husband, it’ll be even scarier. He’d be the closest person to you after all, right?


I take a deep breath.

It’s zero hour.

“Don’t scatter. Don’t be on your own. Let your weapon be ready.” Akando orders.

“Don’t be afraid to kill. They’re the enemy; they will try to kill you, and will succeed. Don’t let them.” Ahiga completes.

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