Chapter 1

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Against the crisp snowfield, red was a distinguished colour seen. A young woman, no older than her mid-twenties, could be seen tracking through the deep snow with only her red hair being seen with a floundering tiger cub chasing after her.

"Nana, we shouldn't be outside. A storm is coming!" The young cub mewed as he chased after his Master.

"Well if we don't find dry wood soon we're going to freeze to death, so hurry it up, Pumpkin!" The red-haired woman barked back as the icy winds cut at her rosy cheeks. "Besides, the storm is to last a week, we need all the stuff we can get," she added on as they marched towards the pine forest in the piling snow. Ignoring the young cub's protests to turn back and rest. The redhead grimaced as the cold winds cut at her cheeks but didn't stop till she saw fallen branches. "I see some! Come on, Pumpkin!" Nana cried as she hurled over the snow and grabbed the few semi-dried kindling and walked over the soaked pieces of wood.

The small tiger huffed as he scrambled to gather the larger pieces to carry on his back. "We have enough, Nana. Can we please go back home? I'm cold."

Nana picked up on last kindling into her arms and stood upright. "Alright," She sighed and nodded for the tiger to lead them back to the small cottage they called home. Hearing the tiger snort in happiness at seeing their shabby home, Nana rolled her eyes though that didn't stop the small smile creeping onto her lips. She was cold after all but did want to last the storm. Nana watched as her cub approached the door before he stopped, arched his back and hissed dangerously. Quickly responding, Nana dropped the kindling and grabbed the dagger tucked into her heavy pants. Sniffing the cold air, she muttered, "How many?"

"Single male and very powerful." Pumpkin growled out.

Nana faltered for a second. "Could it be a Marine? Father is going to be furious when he finds out." Nana shook her head readying herself before the door. Quickly breaching the heavy door with Pumpkin right behind her. Both at the entrance in their stances prepared for battle. "Who dares to trespass?!" Nana yelled out as her eyes narrowed at the small space inside. Her home was small there was no doubt. It only had one room with the bathroom area having its own closed off space. Everything from her bedroom to kitchen to living room was all in the one room she barrelled into.

Pumpkin growled though he did hide slightly behind Nana. The scent of a powerful figure overwhelmed him. Not as much as Nana's father but enough to make him ashamed to not be in front protecting Nana.

Nana's eyes narrowed further into slits as she saw, what was, a man crouching before her fireplace, stroking the flames to grow more. Noticing that he was a tall man despite his position, black ruffled hair with a lean and firm built due to the fact the man was half naked and only in his black pants. A black coat and matching hat sat on her armrest near the fire to dry. "At least he took his shoes off." Nana critiqued as she barely glanced at the lined up black boots next to her feet. She stood straight and voiced. "Stand down, Pumpkin." Never looking to the startled cub as she swiftly removed her dripping boots. "We won't last a second against this man."

"I can take...-" Pumpkin was shut off by Nana's cold look as she spoke back to her. His ears folding against his head as he mewled slightly away from the woman.

Nana redirected to her gaze when the man began to stand with her dagger still poised horizontally at her chest.

The stranger's husky voice reply to her, "Pardon the intrusion. My ship was caught in the swells of the ocean and I headed for this island. It is a very desolate island."

The redhead woman tsked. "That doesn't explain why you're in my home and why that," She angrily pointed with her spare hand towards the giant crucifix-like blade lying on her table. The item, that any person would recognise, belonged to a powerful man. Dracule Mihawk. "Is wetting my clean table?" She hissed out in dislike. Her home may be small but it was cosy and clean. Her blood red eyes clashed with hard gold eyes of her uninvited guest. "Hell! I never have guests unless it's father."

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