Chapter 4

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Nana gritted her teeth as she tried meditating in the harsh snow. She felt her brow twitch and threw snow in the direction of her distraction. "Would you stop that?!" She yelled.

Mihawk dodged the snowball as he fed meat to Pumpkin leaning on his shoulder. "I'm not doing anything." He replied calmly, watching the redhead get more upset at his words.

"Yeah! I'm not doing anything!" Pumpkin followed Mihawk's words.

Nana sighed and palmed her face. "I should've seen this happening." Nana stood up and dusted the snow from her exposed legs. Catching the thick cloak Mihawk threw her way and covered herself up. Blocking out the slicing wind and walked over to the two males. "Honestly and you say I'm annoying." Nana glanced up at Mihawk. Annoyed by his constant presence. The redhead felt her cheeks redden and grabbed Mihawk by the collar and brought him down to her level. "Also you bastard! Stop crawling into my bed!" Nana's face turned bright red as she thought back to the past few nights where she caught the swordsman attempting to climb into her bed or wake up to him successfully beside her.

Mihawk ignored her anger and pried her fingers loose from his cloak. "Your bed is far more comfortable than my own. The guest should be treated to the finest accommodations."

Nana felt the twitch come back more furiously. "You're not a guest you bastard. An owner can't be a guest of their own island!" Nana stormed after Mihawk when he left back to the cottage. Nana quickly caught what he threw over his shoulder and looked at the snail that appeared in his hands. "What's this?" She asked and blinked owlishly when she saw a hat sitting atop the snail's head and that it had a beard.

"My personal denden mushi." Mihawk replied, "Feel free to use it as you please when I'm gone." The shichibukai looked over his shoulder and saw the shock on her face had overpowered her earlier anger. Mihawk headed inside the cottage first and placed Tiger before the small fireplace and started to change into his regular clothing. Just as he pulled on his shirt did Nana come inside. "I'll be gone for some time, Nana, but I'll be back."

Nana frowned and folded her arms. "I still don't get why you want to come back here. I mean you live in a damn castle from what you told me." Nana sighed and moved over to help Mihawk. Clipping his black cape in place and handed over his large hat.

"I'll take you with me next time." Mihawk offered.

Nana quickly declined with a cross of her arms. "Not happening. It's safer here for me." Nana looked away in thought before mumbling out. "One day maybe. When I'm stronger." The redhead moved over to Pumpkin and picked him up and handed him out to Mihawk. "Take him with you."

"Eehhh?!" Pumpkin hollered and squirmed to get out of Nana's grip.

"Unless you wanna stay and watch me devour the island," Nana whispered creepily in his ear and laughed when Pumpkin started crying and squirming for Mihawk. "Just this once, Pumpkin. I don't want to hurt you, okay?" She kissed the top of the tiger's head and handed him over to Mihawk.

Mihawk silently enjoyed the pressure of the cub on his shoulder and tipped his hat to Nana. "I'll take good care of him. Is there anything you want?" He asked her and caught her by surprise again.

"Wool," Nana replied and looked at her near-empty knitting basket. "Black wool please."

"Black wool?" Mihawk replied before nodding and headed towards the door. He stopped momentarily and looked over his shoulder at the woman. His sharp eyes could pick up the emptiness hidden in her eyes and turned around. Grabbing her by the arm and tugged her towards him, making her squeal in shock. Mihawk pulled her to his chest and wrapped his arms around her in a warm embrace. Tucking her head on his bare chest and squeezed her lightly. "I'll be back." He whispered in her ear and pulled away, leaving the cottage in haste before the storm rolled in. Leaving behind a steaming redheaded woman.

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