Chapter 11

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A deafening roar brought the attention away from the surprise entrance of the escaped prisoners.

Nana looked away from Mihawk and saw Cal struggling to transform into his larger form. "Edward?"

"Not yet," Whitebeard called. "He's not in control. The arrival of new enemies is making him frenzy." His eyes went down to Nana and saw the calm look in her eyes looking straight past Cal and towards Ace. "What will happen if we can't save Ace?" He thought to himself as the spilled blood around her wasn't affecting her as much as it should. At least, till Whitebeard looked down to her clenched fists and saw that she was bleeding. "Such a strong will as always."

Nana unfurled her fingers before her palms healed. "Edward...I'm close to shifting." She warned him as the smell of blood was slowly becoming overwhelming.

"Crocodile is moving in on Whitebeard!" A soldier yelled out.

"It's been a while, Whitebeard." Crocodile appeared behind Whitebeard. Prepared to deal a crippling blow.

Whitebeard clucked his tongue, "You never learn, do you?" He said in annoyance, never taking his eye of the shaking redheaded woman. He was more worried that she'd deploy before her time. Never moving an inch when he sensed somebody attacking Crocodile and used that time to place his hand back on Nana's head. Calming her down. He ignored the two behind him arguing and waited till Nana stopped shaking before looking over at the kid with the straw hat. "Kid, have you come to save your brother?"

"That's right!" Luffy said back without fear. Looking up at the man and straight into his eyes. Luffy moved forward, about to say something else when he caught sight of a familiar shade of red. It wasn't the dark red of Shanks' hair but the bright red of the first woman he loved dearly. "M-mama?" He called out and looked at the familiar white gown and golden jewelry adorning her skin. "You're mama, aren't you? Oi, answer me!" Luffy called out and stepped back when the woman turned around. Luffy's jaw dropped as his eyes popped out of his head at the sight of the smiling woman and gawked when a pair of fox ears and nine tails appeared.

"It's been awhile, Luffy," Nana said calmly though her heart was racing wildly. Embarrassed that she transformed in the middle of the war but she was excited to see Luffy again. The last time she saw Luffy was when she tucked him into bed and left all those nights ago. Nana was prepared for him to yell at her or even punch her. He had more movement that Ace. Nana swallowed hard when Luffy launched at her and wrapped himself around her face in tears. Nana couldn't breathe and pulled her head out of Luffy's middle.

"M-Mama! I've m-m-missed you s-so much~" Luffy cried out as he looked down into the strong eyes of his mother figure. "Ji-chan said y-you were h-happy."

"Of course I was." Nana ignored the dripping tears and snort. "You grew up safe and happy. What parent wouldn't be happy about that? Daisuke, Luffy." Nana forcibly pulled the young boy off her face and pulled him into a proper hug. "Luffy." She said seriously, "I'm going to do something terrible. Whatever you do, don't stop me and get to Ace."

"Daisuke!" Luffy pulled away and gripped his mother's hand tightly. Matching her serious look. "I don't care that you're a demon or that you look younger than most mums. Let's go save Ace!"

They both looked at each other before matching devilish grins appeared on their faces.

"Go die!" A giant appeared and swung his giant battle axe at the two united family members.

Nana and Luffy glared up at the giant and pulled their fists back. "Don't get in the way!" They both yelled and jumped up into the air. Landing their attack square onto his jaw before safely landing back on the ship. Knocking out the giant marine.

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