Chapter One: Ryan and Samuel

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All these girls coming up to me asking to make out under the bleachers after school- me having to say yes. It makes me sick saying yes to these girls- just to be on the lousy football team and to be liked. What. The. Fuck. I'm at my locker talking to Stacy. Stacy isn't even my type...girls aren't my type.

"See ya tonight, sexy." Stacy says, strutting away to her friends. Her ass doesn't even look attractive to me- I'm a guy right? I should want to put my hands on her big ass and squeeze it. I faked a smile and walked into the bathroom. I so wished to go into the girl's bathroom and just like do what they do, but I don't want to be transgender, I just want to be gay. Period. I walk to a stall and take a crap. I hear someone coming in, I finish up and go to the sink. Sam is combing his hair...

"Hi." I say to him.

He looks at me and says, "Are you going to beat me up?" Sam is gay- like me so he's beaten up, bullied, etc.

Sam is decent, cute, and just normal- except for the gayness.

"Who are you dating?" I ask, hoping he's single.

"I haven't had a boyfriend yet." He says, frowning like I'll punch his gut.

I put my hands on his head- this is first goes..

I pull his lips to mine. And they lock. His arms find my neck and my arms find his. This goes on for two minutes until I push him away and leave the bathroom. I'm so embarrassed, how could I have done that? He'll tell EVERYONE, and I'll be the schools non-hottie and non-quarter-back.

I ran out the door forgetting the make-out tonight with Stacy and just leaving the school. I got into my mustang and speeded to my house- the mansion.

I ran up the staircase and into my room, without saying hi to anyone.

Samuels kiss was just wonderful- and it just couldn't be like can never be like that.

I closed my eyes and fell asleep...


I woke up to my phone ringing.

I answered it.

"WHAT THE FUCK, RYAN!" Said the voice, and I knew it belonged to Stacy.

"Okay, I had homework I'll be there in five."

I raced down the stairs and into my car and sped down back to school. When I got out of the car, I ripped off my shirt and threw it in the car, then walked down to the bleachers.

Stacy was leaning against one bleacher holding her shirt in her hand. She had no bra on or nothing...just big boobs- that I didn't care about.

Let's get this done I said to myself.

"Fuck me hard." She laughed and I walked to her quietly.

After we were done, she left me on the bleachers naked. I quickly threw on my clothes and thought about Sam. Sam was the one for me- and I knew it.

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