Chapter Two: Ryan And Samuel

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After the makeout that lasted for eternity, we got up and left, I was so relieved when it was over- I couldn't wait for the day a guy asks me to makeout with him under the bleachers and I have to say yes... I threw on my shirt and kissed Stacy- who pressed herself closer than she was on me earlier.  "Are you single?" she whispered, smiling.

 I had to say yes- then she would suspect something. I knew she was going to ask me out if I said yes.    "Um...Yeah." I said, frowning at her smiling.

 "Good, 'cause Mellisa is single and looking for somone." she said, hugging me.

 I sighed, thankfully.

 When I got to my car, I waved goodbye and got in my car. I drove to the nearest diner. Yes, I'm like seventeen, but I have a fake ID, and I buy cigarettes and booze. It's the only escape from being gay and spoiled. I went to the counter where a cashier was. I was digging in my pocket so I couldn't really see the cashier, but when I looked up, it was Sam.

"You work here? This junky place?" I smiled and gave him a twenty with my fake ID.                             "Ryan, sorry to break it to ya, but your not nineteen." he smiled. "But I can make an exception, 'cause that kiss felt good." he got a pack of cigarettes from behind himself and put it on the counter. "Oh? Well do you want another?" I leaned across the counter. "You'd do that for me, baby?" he laughed and leaned on the counter, too. I took his head and lead it to my mouth. We kissed for a long time until someone came through from behind the kitchen and yelled, "Hey! No kissin' on the job!" we stopped and stood up again, smiling at each other. "That's my dad." Sam said, waving at the man. "Nice." I said, walking out of the door. I heard Sam say, "I love you!" when I left. I shook my head and laughed at that statement. I opened the pack of cigarettes, and lit one with my lighter. I put it between my fingers and smoked. I couldn't get Sam out of my mind. I smiled...

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