Chapter 2

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Now that you can stand on your feet and you have food in your stomach, you can see what he really looks like, but his features were pretty close to how you saw them that day. His hair is purple and at shoulder length, about the same length as his beard that was only at the chin. He didn’t expose his fangs as openly as he’s doing now, but it only added to the fierceness of a beast he had in his eyes. His eyes were so mesmerizing, you couldn’t look away. They were everything you’d ever hoped them to be and more.

You don’t know what to say until Shiro clears his throat, hands behind his back, “Well, we’ll leave you two to it, then.” he looks behind him, “Rin! We’re gonna wait for ____ downstairs, so come on.”

“I’ll just stay here, thanks.” Rin says, back against the wall, arms folded. Shiro let out a deep sigh and walked towards the blue-haired boy.

“Like hell you are. Let’s go, Rin.” he grabs Rin’s ear. Surprised, Rin tries fighting back gently.

“Hey! Let go of me, you old fart! I’m staying here,with ___! Yukio, help your older brother out!”

“Shut up, Rin.” Yukio said with annoyance.

“My, they sure are a colorful bunch, wouldn’t you agree, miss?” Mr. Pheles said snickering, “That boy really seems to be quite fond of you. I take it you’re friends?” you nod, “So, if you wouldn’t mind, why have you come to True Cross to only see me?” he rests his head on his hand dressed with a satin purple glove. He seems interested but also bored; a strange combination.

You’re still staring into his eyes at this point, almost envious. How could your dull (eye color) eyes ever compete with his. But it didn’t matter at this point. You had the answer to his question in mind before you even met Shiro. Confident, you face your hero and say, “I’ve come to repay my debut, Mr. Pheles.” he intently studies your face and grins.

“No need, miss. And please, call me Mephisto.”

“You saved my life, Mephisto. It’s not your choice. I’m paying you back in whatever way I can.” he chuckles and stares deeper into your eyes.

“Oh, it’s not? You have some attitude, dear. I would’ve never expected someone who looks so helpless yet so charming to speak to me like this.” he starts, “Oh, where are my manners? We’ve come this far and I haven’t even asked for your name! And please, sit down~”

“It’s (first name, last name).” you reply, a light flush coming to your cheeks. You take a seat right in front of his desk. “But please, Mephisto, let me pay you back. I’m a good listener, so maybe I could help students with their problems..? Or I could help out the school nurse! I used to always do good in human anatomy. Or-”

“Or, you could be my assistant.” he interrupts, still grinning.

“I, um, guess that works? When would you like me to start?” you weren’t exactly expecting being Mephisto’s assistant but if it pays back your debut, so be it.

“Today of course! ...But I’ll have to find you an empty dorm. How about the one right next to Yukio’s?” he offers.

“Whatever pleases you, sir.” Mephisto snickers at your formality.

“And here,” he presents you with a 5000 (49.08 USD) yen bill and a list with quickly scribbled items, “go get yourself everything on this list. Come back to me when you’re done and I’ll give you your dorm key. But for now...” he mumbles a few words that were inaudible, “Do be careful, miss (last name)~” he hands you the list and the bill and you make your way down the staircase where Rin was waiting.

“Where’s your brother and Shiro?” you question, looking around.

“They’re waiting outside but I wanted to wait for you...” he said, a light pink in his face. Looking down, he notices the list Mephisto gave you. “What happened in there, _____?”

“After begging Mephisto for a job, he let me be his assistant. I start today by getting the items on this list.” Rin glances at the list and suddenly, he’s all upset.

“What does that pervert need women’s underwear for?! _____, you can’t work here!” he makes his way up the stairs, but you couldn’t catch up, he was just too fast. He forces the doors of Mephisto’s office open.

“So you finished shopping already, _____?” he doesn’t bother to look up, too buried in his paperwork, “That was rather quick.”

“_____ won’t be working here, you pervert. What the hell do you need women’s underwear for?!” Rin scolds. Mephisto looks up, confused.

“Rin, wait. I’m still working here.” you pant.

“No you’re not!”

“Rin just shut up and read the list!” you present him the slip of paper:

(First name, Last name), I hope you enjoy your stay here at True Cross. As your first job, please gather these items.

-Seasonal clothes, like sweatshirts and sweatpants.

-Women’s underwear


-Slippers/ flats


-Hair brush


-A light jacket

You might’ve noticed that these items are for you. I would like you to have a nice job, after all. The 5000 yen will be added to your debut and food will be provided. Directions are attached on the back side.

-Mephisto Pheles

Rin, blushing, apologizes quietly and storms out the room, “I’m terribly sorry about that sir. He’s a very protective friend.” you say, embarrassed.

“Oh, no need. Common misunderstanding. But it’s very late now, would you like to call it a day and do your assignment tomorrow?” Mephisto says, looking outside, where the sun has already set and the sky was a midnight blue. Now that he offers you sleep in a bed, you haven’t realized how tired you were.

“Yes, I would. Thank you, sir. But do you think I could say goodbye to Rin and his family?” you ask politely.

Mephisto nods, “You may. And could you tell Shiro that he’s doing a fine job?” you listen, almost perplexed by what he means, but goes downstairs anyway. There, Rin was in the same spot and when he notices you, he blushes furiously.

“I’m really sorry, ____.” Rin utters. You slowly get closer to Rin, hugging him tightly.

“It’s fine, Rin. I’ll visit the monastery whenever I have free time. I promise.” Rin pushes you off of him, almost like you were a complete stranger. “What’s wrong, Rin?”

“What the hell do you mean by visit? I thought you were going to live with us!”

“That was never the case. I was only supposed to stay the night until I met Mephisto. Now I live here.”

Rin’s voice breaks down. Is he about to cry? “You told me not to leave you...”

“What?” you can’t remember what he’s talking about.

“You forgot?! When you told me why you wanted to meet that jerk in the first place!” you get it now. He just doesn’t want to be lonely anymore....

“Rin...” you say trying to get his attention.

“And you told me I was your greatest friend!”

“Rin.” it still doesn’t work...

“And I wanted to say the same for you!”

“Rin!” you raise your voice...

“But now... You’re leaving me... I-I didn’t want this, ____. I wanted to stay friends forever.”

“Rin! Listen to me!” you exclaim.


“You’re not leaving me. And I’m not leaving you.” you say quietly.

“Don’t tell me lies, ___. You’re gonna work for Mephisto until the day you die. You’re gonna forget about me. And my old man. And...I’ll lose you to Mephisto...”

Mephisto x Reader (Some Rin x Reader) The Green-Eyed HeroWhere stories live. Discover now