Chapter 4

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You take a firm grasp of it, looking into his eyes, “My name is (First name, Last Name). It would be my pleasure if I could show you to your room.”

“Yes, I’d like that.”

You smile warmly and with your hand still in his, you drag him, but softly, to his dorm. “It’s pretty close, and it’s by where I have to meet Mephisto. Hope you don’t mind, but I’ll be leaving at the staircase leading to where he is~”

“Uh... N-no I don’t.”

“Good to hear.” you look back at Yukio who’s bright red, “Let’s have fun, Yukio! You know, when I’m not busy with Mephisto or Rin.”

“Y-yeah...” goodness, he was awkward, and because of this, the short walk you had with Rin took forever with Yukio. After dragging him through the old dorm building to the room right next to yours, you let go of his hand and put your hands on your hips.

“Well, here it is.” you smile.

He rubs his wrist and looks at the door, refusing to make eye-contact, “Thanks, _____. B-but, you didn’t leave. You took me straight to my room.”

“Hah, I thought I should show you instead. You might’ve gotten lost!” you start, “Well, I can’t keep Mephisto waiting forever. See you later, Yukio.”

“S-see you later, _____.” he says blushing.

He’s just as fun to tease as Rin! After turning a corner, you immediately see a white slip hanging off the first step:

My my, ______, you sure know how to keep a man waiting. You are heading in the correct direction, dear, but I won’t be here for much longer. You better hurry.

Mephisto Pheles.

Crap, he’s right.... You bolt down the stairs to find Mephisto pick at and empty plate. He gives you a toothy grin, “Such a shame, miss ______, you’ve missed breakfast.”

“M-mephisto... I’m sorry! I just heard noise outside and I just had to see what it was!” please understand, Mephisto, “Then, I saw Yukio and I walked him to his room and I’m just terrible at being punctual!”

“You’re not making a good first impression, dear.” he quietly chuckles, “But, I suppose I’ll let it slide. Anyway, I wanted to explain how things are going to work here at True Cross. Your very first job is to fetch the items on that list from yesterday. Do you still have it, ____?” you nod, “Well, at least you’re organized. I know that you wish to see that friend of yours. Is that true?” you nod again, “You may. But you must be back here before 2:00, do you understand?” you nod, smiling from ear to ear. “You must have breakfast first! Here,” he pushes a bowl of steamed rice and chopsticks. You sit down in front of him.

“Th-thank you very much sir.”

“You don’t know how to use chopsticks, do you?” he said, noticing you fumbling around trying to pick up pieces of rice.

“N-no, sir.” he grins and gets out of his chair. You can feel a warm presence behind your back as he takes off his gloves and neatly sets them down on the table. He takes a light, soft touch of your hands instructing you how to hold them. Heat furiously rushes to your face.

“Dear, you’re holding them all wrong. Put them down.” he sits down in the chair next to you, “We don’t have forks... I’ll just teach you.” he sighs, but it didn’t sound annoyed. He sounded lustful! “Put your hand out as if you were going to shake my hand.” you did as he said. “Good, now I want you to secure the first chopstick in the crook of your thumb and index finger.”

“L-like this?” you said with the chopstick in the exact place he described.

“Yes, now place the second chopstick on top and hold it with your thumb and index finger.” he grins after you did, “You’re quite the quick learner, miss _____. Now, tuck your ring finger under your lower chopstick.” you do, “The final step is rather difficult. Tuck your middle finger underneath the upper chopstick. To pick up food, move the upper chopstick up and down to grip pieces with the ends of two chopsticks.” he takes your hands and demonstrates using your own fingers. “Does that make sense?” you nod, the chopsticks tightly grasped in your hand. He laughs at your serious face, “Heh, don’t hold it so tight miss _____. You’ll get used to it, I swear. Oh, but listen to me ramble! You must be starving, go ahead, eat.” as if on cue, your stomach growls. After finally listening to it’s desire to be fed, you gulp down the food as Mephisto slowly puts his gloves back on. You were going fast mostly because you wanted to see Rin, but you couldn’t help but feel that something inside you wanted to impress Mephisto.

Out of the corner of your eye, you see rest his head in his hand, smiling in such a way that made you lustful as well. You get the same warm feeling as you had with Rin last night and gently set down the plate.

“Thank you for the meal, Mephisto. I’ll be leaving now.” you say, pushing your chair out and getting up. You look to the clock: 11:45. That gave you about two hours to see Rin. As you start walking to the exit, Mephisto grabs your arm.

“I don’t want you getting too close to that boy, miss _____.” he said disgusted when he mentioned Rin. His face seems like he’s a completely different person.

“U-uh, s-sorry sir,” you wince at the pressure he puts on your arm, “b-but that hurts!” he still doesn’t let go. “S-sir! I-it hurts so much! L-let go!” your arm’s probably bruised, “M-mephisto! Stop it!” you can see his eyes widen and he goes back to his normal self. He lets go, causing your arm to fling back. You don’t want to seem rude but your conscious is telling you to slap him. Out of instinct, you raise your hand, but it doesn’t move.

“I’m very sorry, dear. I-I don’t know what got into me. You may leave. And, I wouldn’t blame you if you never came back.” you put your hand down and silently walk out. That was rather dramatic, but you don’t let it get to you. Doing this task and seeing Rin was more important to you than anything else.

You didn’t want anymore drama, but avoiding it was inevitable. You knew that Rin liked liked you but you didn’t know Mephisto’s true feelings. Did he have the same feelings as Rin or was that just in the protective nature Shiro described? You decided to stop by Kotomi to say thank you once more and after some small talk, you leave with more clothes. Being too much of a burden to carry around, you stop by True Cross to drop off your clothes. Nearing your dorm, you see Mephisto scribbling on a white slip. In your devious mind, you decide to sneak up on him... Nearing closer and closer.... when you creep by his ear... and whisper, “Mephisto...”

He jumps and looks back. You don’t think you ever heard a genuine laugh from him, but there it was, and it was irresistible. You smile back and say chivalrously, “What are you doing outside my door?”

“Oh, I just wanted to write an apology note from back there. I lost myself and I don’t have time to wait for you. School is starting tomorrow after all.”

“Well, apology accepted. Would you like some help when I get back?” you say, opening the door.

“No need. Just stay here and relax. I can tell your body has taken a real beating since we last met.”

You go to the closet by the bathroom, looking back, “You can come in, you know.” you say as you hang the clothes, “And I appreciate the concern, really, but I’ll be fine.”

He walks in, but only in a few steps, “It’s an order. Stay here and don’t leave any time I tell you. At least not until you don’t look like the pencil in my hand.” he holds up the pencil he was using to write with.

You stop what you were doing and eye his fingers, “But your fingers are red! Look at them, how long have you been writing?”

He immediately puts down his hand, “I shouldn’t be of concern. Why won’t you listen to me?”

You giggle quietly, “Don’t you already know, Mephisto? I care about you. Deeply and truly.”

Mephisto x Reader (Some Rin x Reader) The Green-Eyed HeroWhere stories live. Discover now