Chapter Eight

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You knock on Rin and Yukio’s dorm. It was quite early, so you were careful not to knock too loudly in case they were still asleep.

You were concerned for Rin and you were emotionally scarred yourself, not only because Shiro had died, but also having to witness Rin like that. It was the day after his death, knowing Rin would need some sort of comfort, you bought some tissues and some cheer-up snacks at the academy’s store. You didn’t know what you were going to say, but you just wanted to hold him close, have him feel whatever ounce of ease you could provide using only your thin arms. They were the only things you had, anyway.

You check your watch, 7:00 am. Mephisto might not be awake, but it was worth a shot. During dinner last night, before the nightmare happened, he had told you whenever you woke up, you were to head down to the cafeteria for breakfast with him. You didn’t deny, of course, you were comfortable with being with Mephisto and found him to be just as fun as Rin.


As you were walking, you heard a door open and close, causing you to jerk your head back. You see Yukio with his glasses in his hand with a troubled look. When he sees you, you wave with a small smile, Shiro was his father too, after all, “Good Morning, Yukio!”


“Good morning, ____.” he says in an unusual monotone.


You furrow your brow for a second, “Well...How’s Rin doing?” Yukio cringed at the mention of Rin, but he managed to keep his cool about it.


He nodded, “Rin is doing well.”

You cock your head in confusion with a furrowed forehead, but simply keeping your small smile, “You seem upset about Rin...but you don’t seem the least bit concerned.”


“I’m too easy to read...” he mutters, “But Rin is still sleeping, you can talk to him when he usually gets up, around 8 am. He won’t be starting school until next week, though, so he might not wake up...There’s also a chance he won’t welcome visitors, but if it’s you, _____, I’m sure he will. He even told me himself how much he liked you, and, uh...” he pauses, rubbing the back of his head, “Well, I-I can’t really blame him, to be quite honest.”


You blush and playfully punch Yukio on his shoulder, “Yukio, what are you trying to say~? Hehe, are you in looooove?” you slur love in the most sarcastic way possible.


He giggles softly and replies with, “I think you’d better say that to Rin, he never stops talking about you!”


You blush more visibly, “H-he does?!” your heart starts to beat uncontrollably and you get giddy inside, but you’re careful so you don’t show your happiness to Yukio. “I-I mean. Wow. He does?”


“Yeah, he does.” he stops to check his watch concealed by his uniform. “I don’t like being late. I have to go now, but we can talk later if you’d like.” he says with hopefulness hidden somewhere in that stoic voice of his.


“Oh, um, okay. Bye, Yukio!” you say cheerfully and head the few more steps to get to the cafeteria. He goes in the opposite direction.  When you get there, Mephisto’s eyes are buried in a manga. When he hears you coming, he sets down his book, gets up, then pulls your chair out.


“Welcome, dear.” he said with a toothy grin. You thank him with a smile and sit down. He slides you some rice and sits in the chair in front of yours.


“Thank you, Mephisto.” you say with hunger as you chow down. “I didn’t know you like manga!”


“Oh, I’m all for manga and anime. I didn’t know you knew about it!”


“Well, I watch anime in my spare time, so that’s that... Man this rice is really good...” you inform him.


“So, onto business. I want you to go weigh yourself on that scale over there.” he points to one hidden in the corner of the room. You nod and once you’ve finished the rice, you get up and casually walk to the scale. You step on it, causing it to quietly creek, and it displayed the number: 35 kg (78 lbs). Your eyes widen, had you really lost over nine kilograms (twenty lbs) in the time you were wondering around? “Well, what is it?”


“It’s, um, 35 kilograms.” you say, frightened by what his reaction might be.

“Tch. That simply won’t do. We’ll have you binge on food for the next week!” he follows you with his emerald orbs and when you sit down, he gives you another rice bowl. You humbly accept it and gobble it down. “After that... You’ll be enrolled in True Cross Academy’s Exorcist classes as a student!”

Mephisto x Reader (Some Rin x Reader) The Green-Eyed HeroМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя