Chapter Seven

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A.N:// To clear up any confusion, the extended ending from Chapter Six was a time skip. No, reader-chan did not say anything about Mephisto’s Phelins (see what I did there huehue) yet. But she will...soon...


You were in awe. You wanted to leave and think. You couldn’t help but feel that being with Mephisto felt too right...but what of Rin? Rin became close to your heart quickly, but you surely didn’t love him. Mephisto’s gaze didn’t break, even when Amaimon returned. You blush when you hear the limo door close, and even more when he stuck his face in between you and Mephisto.

“Brother, did she accept your feelings?” Mephisto pushes his head out of your way so he can keep looking at you.

You clear your throat with heat rushing to your face, “Well, it’s time to go to the lingerie store...” he nods and sets your head on his shoulder. He lowers his head to your ear and huskily whispers, “Thank you for the world, ______.”

*To the lingerie store!*

“Thank you, Mephisto, but I can shop for my own attire.” you say, blushing furiously. He’s showing you sexy silky red panties and a matching bra, which was way too big. Women in the whole store were giving both of you stares, glances, and laughs.  

“I came to help you, dear~! Now, do you like the wonder bra or the bombshell bra?” he says with both in his hands, intently comparing them.

“I want you to leave now, Mephisto! Please, t-this is embarrassing!” you say, hugging yourself in some pathetic attempt to hide yourself from the staring women.

“Then how about I become a dog-”

“No! J-just please leave...” he puts down the bras and nods. He walks out casually and you stare at the 4778 yen (46.81 USD) left in your hands. You feel guilty, but press on.

You leave with 3 new bras and 7 panties. You’re not left with very much and Mephisto gives you 2000 more yen. You thank him by hugging him tightly, causing him to hold you in the same style he did while waiting back at the convenience store. He made Amaimon turn into a hamster and stare at the corner the whole way to the clothing store. You look at the clock: 2:00 PM, the day went by fairly quickly.

“_____. Are you hungry?” he whispers gently. You didn’t even realize it, but your stomach violently growled. He laughed, “I’ll take that as a yes. Where is it you want to go, dear?”

You shrug, “I don’t really care. What do you feel like eating?”

“Then let’s go to my favorite restaurant around!”

*Time skip jaja*

You stare at Mephisto, refusing to believe where he took you, “A-a Cosplay Cafe?!”

“Not just any cosplay cafe! This one is especially devoted to lolita styles and my favorite of them all! Honey Honey Sisters!” he swoons happily. You sigh and walk in until Mephisto puts his hand on your shoulder.

“What is it Mephisto.” you say unamused.

“You can’t go in there dressed like that! Wear my Honey Honey Sisters yukata!”

“W-what?!” he pulls you back to the limo and hands you the yukata. You sigh again, not wanting to disappoint him. “Happy?” you say when you finally get the thing on.

He covers his face in an attempt to hide his deep blush, “S-so cute....You’re perfect!”

“Good. Let’s go.” you notice Mephisto staring into space, probably lost in his own little perverse thoughts. When he snaps out of it, he notices you waiting at the door. “What, you’re finally ready to eat?” you smile.

“Y-yes, _____.”

*You get to choose what you two eat together! Time skip to the monastery.*

It’s dark, probably around 7 or 8. You had the best time with Mephisto, you laughed, you cuddled, you did everything a little girl could have ever dreamed of. As the limo gets closer to the Okumura residence, you hear a loud noise and blue flames. At the time, you and Mephisto were making jokes together, holding hands and staying close together. When the loud noise occurred and you both witnessed the blue flames illuminating from the windows, Mephisto stares wide-eyed into space, “I-it can’t be!”

You can tell by his face the problem is extremely severe. You don’t hesitate to try to run out the door but before you can open it, Mephisto grabs your hand, “Don’t go, ____. Please, it’s dangerous!”

You try to shake loose of his grip, “Nnnn, I don’t care! Rin’s in there!” You manage to break free and bolt out the door. You run as fast as you can to the entrance of the monastery and kick it open.

“Rin!” you run to his limp form, his blue radiance, “Oh my God, Rin! Please, please tell me you’re alright!”

“H-he...He died...” Rin says extremely depressed, tears flowing down his cheeks. You take him in your arms and try to calm him down. You look around. The monastery was a complete mess. There were bodies of priests on the floor, unconscious but definitely not dead. Behind you two, however, was a dead body you never wanted to see.


Mephisto x Reader (Some Rin x Reader) The Green-Eyed HeroWhere stories live. Discover now