Part 2: 1rst Mission

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I woke up feeling like I was floating, I looked around to see two men in black outfits and I was being carried, they took me to a room that had this chair looking thing and some things attached to it.

I struggled and pulled but they wouldn't budge I looked up to see a man in front of me he had Brown eyes, brown hair, and a hard face.

"Hello Miss and who might you be"

He said moving his hand down my jawline. I chomped at his hand hissing at him, he pulled away quickly and sighed.

"I was hoping we would not have to do this"

"Do what"

I said through my sharp teeth.

"Erase her"

The men followed his unknown orders and took me to the chair, forcing me to sit down they strapped some things to my wrists keeping me down. 

"Wouldn't want you to hurt yourself"

He said grabbing my tail and removing it from under me. I growled at him.

"You will pay for this you insignificant Human"

I spat the last words.

"We'll see about that when I give you a new life that you will gladly accept"

I thought about what he had said and what he said before. "Erase her"I hear his voice play in my head, just before I feel an Electrick current go through my head, I screamed in Agony as the pain shot through my skull like an arrow.

~~Time Skip 1 Week later~~

I punched and kicked every blow making him weaker, I then punched him one last time hearing a giant crack before sending him to the wall. I looked at him in wonder and looked at my hands.

"Good job Schwarzer Schatten"

"Danke Mein Herr"

"You are very much welcome my darling"

He then came out of the door he was in and walked up to me and ran his finger down my jawline, this has always seemed to calm me down after a fight. I couldn't help but purr into his touch he chuckled and grabbed me by the waist pulling me somewhere, I gladly followed him.

Once we had gotten to our destination I froze in my steps it was the experimentation room.

"Oh It won't be as bad as last time I promise"

He then pulled me into the room and I followed not pulling back, he strapped me down to the bed and connected some wires to me. Once he was all finished he signaled the doctors to do their work. They connected some machines to me and flipped a switch, I felt this weird sensation go through me like my body was cooling to very low temperature then I had gotten very hot and I could feel my eyes burning, so were my hands.

I closed my eyes shut awaiting the pain to stop, pleading for it to stop. But I knew I couldn't scream, I clenched my jaw and held them back until I couldn't take it anymore I let out a small whimper. It then finally stopped.

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