Part 5: Promotion

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I quietly walked next to Schmidt as a few other men follow behind us. "You think this is about appearances? Your hydra division has failed to deliver so much as rightfully in over a year. And we have learned to local intelligence you have mounted-" he was cut off by another yelling out, "The Red Skull has indulged long enough!" Schmidt stopped and turned around slowly facing the men behind him, I then turned around too. "Gentlemen you have come to see the results of our work. Hm. Let me show you."

We entered the room that we used to extract the energy from the Tesseract which was now partly new and improved, but I knew this day was not going to end well for these men. "Hitler speaks of a thousand year Reich but he cannot feed his troops for a month. His troops spill blood by the gallon across every field in Europe, yet he gets no closer to achieving his goals." The man says as we all walk into a new room, he walks over to a clothed weapon and yanks it off revealing a large gun.

I moved from near the soldiers and stood by Mr. Schmidtt.

"And I suppose you still aim to win this war through magic?" Asked me Roeder making hand signals while Mr Schmidt began to turn on the machine.

"Science. Though I understand your confusion. Great power has always baffled primitive men. Hydra has perfected a weapon which can destroy my enemies in one brutal stroke. Where ever that are, regardless of how many sources they possess. All in a matter of hours." He snapped with a quick look up at the men before going back to trying to navigate the machine.

"Your enemies?" Questioned one man in a grey suit with a baffled expression on his face.

"My weapons contain enough destructive power to decimate every hostile capital on earth. Quite simply gentle men, I have harnessed the power of the gods." The man before cleared his throat and restrained from a smile. Obviously he had tried to hide it but bearly did a good job.

"Thank you Schmidt" the man who stood shorter next to the grey suited one said.

"For what?"

"For making it clear how obviously mad you are" he replied louder.

"Berlin is on this map!" My eyes turned to the nosy male who had been looking over the map. I got ready to attack.

I was held back by Schmidt before he continued to navigate his machine. "So it is" he said finally turning the large arm of the machine.

"You will be punished for your insolence!" The man began to tell at Schmidt holding his hat and moving it around angrily. "You will be brought before the Fuhrer himself!" The weapon charged a shot before shooting him into a puff of blue smoke. The rest of the men began to panic searching for an escape, immediately Schmidt worked fast attempting to shoot all of the men missing once. A single man made it to the door but found it locked attempting to get out. Once the gun turned to him he turned around and screamed Schmidt's name loudly before being turned to blue dust and leaving an outline of his former body.

The gun made a whirring sound as it cooled off and Schmidt moved away from it as he admired the work.

"My apologies Doctor, but we both knew Hydra could grow no further in Hitler's shadow. Hail Hydra."

The men in the room placed their arms out in front of them fists balled and yelled 'hail hydra' in response. I too stood straight and placed my arms behind my back and recited the words. "Hail Hydra" as best I could in my known English.

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